五月天 - 好好 (想把你寫成一首歌) Life Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 五月天 - 好好 (想把你寫成一首歌) Life Live

好好 (想把你寫成一首歌) Life Live
Cherish (Grow fonder of you every day) Life Live
想把你寫成一首歌 想養一隻貓
I wanted to write you a song, and to raise a cat,
想要回到每個場景 撥慢每隻錶
I wanted to return to every scene, and to slow down every watch.
我們在小孩和大人的轉角 蓋一座城堡
We built a castle at the corner of childhood and adulthood.
我們好好 好到瘋掉 像找回失散多年雙胞
We cherished each other, almost going mad, like finding a twin brother who was separated for many years.
生命再長不過 煙火 落下了眼角
Life is not longer than fireworks, which fell from the corner of my eyes,
世界再大不過 你我 凝視的微笑
The world is not bigger than you and me, and the smiles we gazed at each other.
在所有流逝風景與人群中 你對我最好
Among all the fleeting landscapes and crowds, you treated me the best,
一切好好 是否太好 沒有人知道
Everything is so good, so good that nobody knows.
You and I carried empty school bags,
To escape from the prison called daily life,
I forgot to grow up,
I forgot to grow old,
I forgot that time flew.
最安靜的時刻 回憶 總是最喧囂
In the quietest moment, memories are always clamoring.
最喧囂的狂歡 寂寞 包圍著孤島
In the most clamorous carnival, solitude surrounds the isolated island.
還以為馴服想念能陪伴我 像一隻家貓
I thought I could tame the longing to accompany me like a pet cat,
它就窩在 沙發一角 卻不肯睡著
It nestled in the corner of the sofa, but it refused to fall asleep.
You and I used to have abundant feathers,
Dancing with the dance called youth,
Not knowing the future,
Not knowing the troubles,
不知那些日子 會是那麼少
Not knowing that those days would be so rare.
時間的電影 結局才知道
The ending of the movie of time is not revealed until the end,
It turns out that adults no longer have nursery rhymes.
The last words,
The last hug,
We laughed with red eyes.
We should take care of ourselves,
So well that regret cannot disturb us.
To live a good life,
To grow old gracefully,
好好假裝我 已經把你忘掉
To pretend that I have forgotten you.

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