五月天 - 我心中尚未崩壞的地方(3DNA LIVE 版) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 五月天 - 我心中尚未崩壞的地方(3DNA LIVE 版)

我心中尚未崩壞的地方(3DNA LIVE 版)
The Place That Has Yet To Die In My Heart (3DNA LIVE Version)
醒在陌生的地方 鏡頭變成了刀槍 耳語也變成了真相
Awake in an unfamiliar place. The camera becomes a knife. Whispers also become truth.
吉他告別了肩膀 詩人棄守了邊疆 我們活在巨大片廠
Guitar bid farewell to my shoulders. Poets have abandoned the borders. We live in a huge film studio.
幸運的孩子 爬上了殿堂 成果代價都要品嘗
Fortunate children climb into the hall. The results are worth savoring.
單純的孩子 是否變了樣 跟著遊戲規則 學著成長
Innocent children. Have you changed? Learn to grow by following the rules of the game.
轟轟烈烈的排行 沸沸揚揚的頒獎 跟著節奏我常迷惘
The high-profile rankings and awards. I often get lost when I follow the rhythm.
當人心變成市場 當市場變成戰場 戰場埋葬多少理想
When the human heart becomes a market, and the market becomes a battlefield, the battlefield buries so many ideals.
回想著理想 稀薄的希望 走著鋼索 我的剛強
Thinking back to the ideal, the thin hope of walking a tightrope - my fortitude.
偉大和偽裝 灰塵或輝煌 那是一線之隔 或是一線曙光
Greatness and disguise, dust or glory, that is a fine line or a glimmer of dawn.
每個孤單天亮 我都一個人唱 默默的讓這旋律 和我心交響
Every lonely dawn, I sing alone. Let this melody silently resonate with my heart.
就算會有一天 沒人與我合唱 至少在我的心中 還有個尚未崩壞的地方
Even if there might come a day when no one will sing with me, at least in my heart, there is still a place that has yet to die.
歌手追逐銷售量 記者追逐點擊量 沒有誰比誰更善良
The singer seeks sales volume. The journalist seeks clicks. No one is more virtuous than anyone else.
無論天后或天王 無論小兵或老將 曲終人散都要蒼涼
Whether they are a queen or king or a small pawn or veteran. When the music ends, people will all eventually feel desolate.
期待著彩虹 所以開了窗 窗外只有灼熱閃光
Waiting for the rainbow, so I opened the window. Outside the window, there is only scorching lightning.
所謂的彩虹 不過就是光 只要心還透明 就能折射希望
The so-called rainbow is just light. As long as the heart is still transparent, it can refract hope.
每個孤單天亮 我都一個人唱 默默的讓這旋律 和我心交響
Every lonely dawn, I sing alone. Let this melody silently resonate with my heart.
就算會有一天 沒人與我合唱 至少在我的心中 還有個尚未崩壞的地方
Even if there might come a day when no one will sing with me, at least in my heart, there is still a place that has yet to die.
其實我們都一模一樣 無名卻充滿了莫名渴望 一生等一次 發光
In fact, we are all the same. We are nameless but filled with inexplicable desires. We wait our whole lives to shine.
寧願重傷也不願悲傷 讓傷痕變成了我的徽章 刺在我心臟 永遠不忘
I would rather be grievously wounded and not sad. I will let the scars turn into my medal. They will be embedded in my heart and never forgotten.
默默的讓這旋律 和我心交響 至少在我的心中 自己為自己鼓掌
Let this melody silently resonate with my heart. At least in my heart, I will applaud myself.
每個孤單天亮 我都一個人唱 默默的讓這旋律 和我心交響
Every lonely dawn, I sing alone. Let this melody silently resonate with my heart.
就算會有一天 沒人與我合唱 至少在我的心中 還有個尚未崩壞的地方
Even if there might come a day when no one will sing with me, at least in my heart, there is still a place that has yet to die.
孩子一樣 不肯腐爛的土壤 再唱再唱再唱再唱再唱
Just like children, we will not decay into the soil. Keep singing, keep singing, keep singing, keep singing, keep singing.

Writer(s): 阿 信, Guai Shou, 阿 信

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