亦帆 feat. 黃宥傑 - 魚干女‧草食男 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 亦帆 feat. 黃宥傑 - 魚干女‧草食男

Dried Fish Woman - Herbivore Man
亦帆 魔女
Yifan Witch
Barefoot up the ancient castle east tower steps
The Orionid meteor shower begins to fall
你是誰 在門前種滿薔薇
Who are you, planting roses in front of the door
We kissed goodbye on the shores of Lake Titicaca
After the lunar eclipse, you will continue to hunt
收集著 每個女孩的心碎
Collecting the broken hearts of every girl
你用了 七十個七次的懺悔
You used seventy times seven repentances
讓一朵玫瑰 凋零成毒蠍
Let a rose wither into a scorpion
背叛鑄成一把劍 將幸福和快樂一一處決
Betrayal forged into a sword, executing happiness and joy one by one
詛咒愛進入永夜 靠回憶 讓痛 沉睡
Curse love into eternal night, rely on memories, let pain sleep
都燒毀 用愛火 用妒火 都無所謂
Burn it all, with the fire of love, with the fire of jealousy, it doesn't matter
燒掉愛殘存餘孽 能不能讓我 痛快恨你 不慚愧
Burn away the remnants of love, can you let me hate you happily, without shame?
Pure ice flames on the Andes peaks
Boil seven drops of tears from the left eye of a phoenix
喝下吧 淨化你貪婪的罪
Drink it, cleanse your greedy sins
Quill pens swirling on parchment
Red rain fell for three days and three nights
你的愛 借宿哪座伊甸園
Your love, which garden of Eden did it sleep in?
你用了 七十個七次的懺悔
You used seventy times seven repentances
讓一朵玫瑰 凋零成毒蠍
Let a rose wither into a scorpion
背叛鑄成一把劍 將幸福和快樂一一處決
Betrayal forged into a sword, executing happiness and joy one by one
詛咒愛進入永夜 靠回憶 讓痛 沉睡
Curse love into eternal night, rely on memories, let pain sleep
都燒毀 用愛火 用妒火 都無所謂
Burn it all, with the fire of love, with the fire of jealousy, it doesn't matter
燒掉愛殘存餘孽 能不能讓我 痛快恨你 不慚愧
Burn away the remnants of love, can you let me hate you happily, without shame?
愛被封印了千年 我吟唱著 不成調 的音階
Love has been sealed for a thousand years, I sing out of tune notes
音符翩翩化成蝶 在風中 自生 自滅
The notes flutter into butterflies, self-generating and self-destructing in the wind
都燒毀 用愛火 用妒火 都燒成灰
Burn it all, with the fire of love, with the fire of jealousy, burn it all to ashes
燒得愛面目全非 我終於可以 聲嘶力竭 的崩潰
Burn love beyond recognition, I can finally collapse hoarsely

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