亦帆 - 綠世界 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 亦帆 - 綠世界

Green World
看冬日模仿 夏日陽光
I watch winter imitate the summer sun
融化冰川 北極熊在流浪
Melting glaciers roaming polar bears
聽鳥兒歌唱 那麼哀傷
I hear the birds sing so sadly
口罩阻擋 微笑和花草香
Masks block smiles and the fragrance of flowers
誰在說謊 說遠方 說著夢想
Who lies about faraway places and dreams?
誰把希望 建築在 絕望上
Who builds hope on despair?
慾望加溫成熱浪 侵蝕著美麗過往
Desires warm into heat waves eroding the beautiful past
冷漠堆積成冰霜 凍碎了昨日天堂
Indifference piles into icebergs shattering yesterday's paradise
人們眼裡 只剩下徬徨
People's eyes only hold confusion
Losing what nurtured us growing
最美的 Green world
The most beautiful Green World
剩多少星光 可以仰望
How many stars remain to gaze at?
能讓孩子 許願閃閃發亮
That can make children wish upon their sparkling light
無所謂真相 所謂荒唐
Truth and absurdity don't matter
我們習慣 異常如此正常
We're accustomed to the abnormal being normal
別再說謊 說遠方 才有夢想
Stop talking about the distant places where dreams exist
別把創造 建築在 毀滅上
Stop building on destruction
慾望加溫成熱浪 侵蝕著美麗過往
Desires warm into heat waves eroding the beautiful past
冷漠堆積成冰霜 凍碎了昨日天堂
Indifference piles into icebergs shattering yesterday's paradise
還給地球 最初的模樣
Give back to the Earth its original form
Breathe in the fragrance of love again
再擁抱 Green world
Embrace the Green World once more

Writer(s): 徐偉銘, 方文良, 李怡萱

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