亦帆 - 閃 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 亦帆 - 閃

一罐可樂 一瓶養樂多 只要喜歡 管我混什麼
A can of cola, a bottle of Yakult, as long as you like it, mind your own business
夏天才懂 我們天才有多畢卡索
Only in summer do we understand how talented we are, like Picasso
一件吊嘎 一雙藍白拖 跑在海灘 用雙腳寫作
A singlet, a pair of blue and white slippers, running on the beach, writing with our feet
寫下我們 那年夏天最瘋狂白日夢
Writing down our craziest summer daydream
懶得聽懶得說 冷冷看了翻白眼溜走
The cat is too lazy to listen or speak, rolls its eyes coldly and walks away
又愛笑又愛哭 還嫌浪花太囉嗦
The wind loves to laugh and cry, and even complains that the waves are too wordy
閃到爆了 你說到三十 一定娶我
I was so shocked, you said that when you turn thirty, you'll definitely marry me
閃到瞎了 我摀住耳朵 直搖頭
I was so blinded, I covered my ears and shook my head continuously
閃到腰了 快放我下來 有話好說
I was so surprised, let me down quickly, let's talk it out
閃著淚水 我低頭沉默 忘了灑脫 不肯承認心底放煙火
With tears in my eyes, I lowered my head in silence, forgetting to be unconstrained, refusing to admit the fireworks in my heart
一刻感動 一顆星閃爍 夢不怕破 就怕沒膽作
A touching moment, a twinkling star, don't be afraid of dreams, be afraid of not having the guts to take action
你的回憶 有幾顆星燦爛你的夜空
In your memories, how many stars shine bright in your night sky
有時晴有時雨 青春不曾為誰多停泊
The sky, sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy, youth never stops for anyone
偶爾會還是會 想你天真的輪廓
I, occasionally, will still think of your innocent silhouette
閃到爆了 你說到三十 一定娶我
I was so shocked, you said that when you turn thirty, you'll definitely marry me
閃到瞎了 我摀住耳朵 直搖頭
I was so blinded, I covered my ears and shook my head continuously
閃到腰了 快放我下來 有話好說
I was so surprised, let me down quickly, let's talk it out
閃著淚水 我低頭沉默 忘了灑脫 不肯承認心底放煙火
With tears in my eyes, I lowered my head in silence, forgetting to be unconstrained, refusing to admit the fireworks in my heart
閃到爆了 就算過三十 我還是我
I was so shocked, even if I'm over thirty, I'm still me
閃到瞎了 有多少青春 夠揮霍
I was so blinded, how much youth is there to squander
閃著光芒 謝謝你照亮 我們的夢
Shining brightly, thank you for illuminating our dreams
閃著淚水 當我又想起 你說什麼 心底還是最美的煙火
With tears in my eyes, when I think of you again, what you said is still the most beautiful firework in my heart

Writer(s): 方文良, 虫二

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