仮面ライダーGIRLS - E-X-A(Exciting×Attitude) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 仮面ライダーGIRLS - E-X-A(Exciting×Attitude)

Prepare to change the world, gentlemen?
かじった果実 酸(す)いか甘いか
The fruit you took a bite of, is it sweet or sour?
運命を 切りひらく鍵
The key to unlocking your destiny
それは君だ いざ進め EXA(いくさ)へ
That key is you, now proceed to EXA(battle)
(Lock on ソイヤソイヤ EXAソイヤ)
(Lock on, boys! EXA, yeah!)
一触 即発 バチバチ来てる
A hair-trigger situation, things are getting heated
陣取り 表向き また危険なゲーム
A land grab, a dangerous game in plain sight
誰の意のままに 操られてる?
At whose behest are you being manipulated?
ほら鍵が開けば 止まらない Time to fight
Behold, when the key is turned, there is no stopping Time to fight
「気をつけて 君は今 運命を選ぼう
“Be careful, you are now about to choose your destiny”
としている」 忠告?
A warning?
意味なんて 分からず
I can't make any sense of this
飛び込んだバトルフィールド Hey
I jumped into the battlefield, hey
The path you chose (hey), what lies ahead of it (hey)?
何があって(Don't stop)誰と会って?(Carry on)
What will happen (Don't stop), who will I meet? (Carry on)
I can't see it yet (aim for the sky)
Exciting × Attitude
Show it properly now
Your stance to face this head-on
いざ進め don't get back EXA(いくさ)
Proceed, don't back down, EXA(battle)
(Look on ソイヤソイヤ EXAソイヤ)
(Look on, boys! EXA, yeah!)
乗り込んでいくか 乗っ取られるか
Are you going to charge in or get taken over?
攻めて 攻め続け 底なしパワーゲーム
Attack, keep attacking, a bottomless power game
未知の力という 魅惑の引力
An unknown force, a tempting gravity
飲み込まれて行く 世界中 Time to fight
Swallowed up, the world is Time to fight
鎧とは それぞれの 命より大事な
Armor is more important than your own life
譲れない プライド ルーツのシンボル
An unyielding pride, a symbol of your roots
刻まれた バトルスーツ Hey
The battle suit you wear, hey
出会いの度に(Hey) 運命変わる(Hey)
With every encounter (hey), your destiny changes (hey)
逃げないで(Don't stop) 突破して(Carry on)
Don't run away (Don't stop), break through (Carry on)
Let's keep climbing (unify the world)
Exciting × Attitude
Get pumped up
Don't let your heart grow cold
いざ進め don't get back EXA(いくさ)
Proceed, don't back down, EXA(battle)
カギが開く 幕が開く 君だけを待ってる
The key opens, the curtain rises, waiting only for you
火花散るステージは EXA(いくさ)
The stage where sparks fly is EXA(battle)
風が舞う 血が騒ぐ 戦いが始まる
The wind dances, blood boils, the battle begins
いつだって正念場 EXA(いくさ)
A crucial moment at any time, EXA(battle)
知らぬ間に 戻れない 合戦の渦中に
Before you know it, there's no turning back, in the midst of the fierce battle
Stand up! 逃げないで 向かい合うEXA(いくさ)
Stand up! Don't run away, face the EXA(battle)
止めどない 終わりなき 葛藤振り払い
Unstoppable, endless, shake off the conflict
いざ進め don't get back EXA(いくさ)
Proceed, don't back down, EXA(battle)
花が咲き 散って 果実が実るように
Like flowers blooming, withering, and bearing fruit
夢を見て 傷つき その痛み育み いつの日か
Dreaming, getting hurt, growing from that pain, someday
手に入れよう! Hey
Let's achieve it! Hey
君が選んだ(Hey) 道の先には(Hey)
The path you chose (hey), what lies ahead of it (hey)?
何があって(Don't stop) 誰と会って?(Carry on)
What will happen (Don't stop), who will I meet? (Carry on)
I can't see it yet (aim for the sky)
Exciting × Attitude
Show it properly now
Your stance to face this head-on
いざ進め don't get back EXA(いくさ)
Proceed, don't back down, EXA(battle)
怖いもの知らず 正面突破
Fearless, head-on
(Look on ソイヤソイヤ EXAソイヤ...)
(Look on, boys! EXA, yeah!...)

Writer(s): 藤林 聖子, Tatsuo, 藤林 聖子, tatsuo

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