任家萱 - 《她很漂亮》同名主題曲 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 任家萱 - 《她很漂亮》同名主題曲

《She is pretty》 title theme song
對著鏡子卸下 白天的武裝
In front of the mirror, take off my daytime armor
允許暫時不堅強 放肆悲傷
Allow myself to be vulnerable for a while, and let myself be sad
不過是懷抱夢想 嘲笑聲卻那麼響亮
It's only about holding onto my dreams, but the laughter is so loud
還好已經不在意 異樣眼光
It's good that I don't care about the strange looks anymore
敢承認脆弱 就夠勇敢 眼淚笑著擦乾
I dare to admit my vulnerability, which is bravery enough, and I wipe away my tears with a smile
哭過後就繼續 大聲的唱
After crying, I will just move on and sing out loud
她很漂亮 她很漂亮
She is beautiful, she is beautiful
笑那麼坦然 心夠寬敞 容納所有不一樣
She smiles so naturally, her heart is wide enough to hold all the differences
她很漂亮 不同但是一樣
She is beautiful, different but the same
努力綻放 向著陽光燦爛 方向
She makes an effort to bloom, towards the direction of the sunny and bright
安慰鏡子裡面 那沮喪臉龐
Comfort that frustrated face in the mirror
Who can make everyone appreciate it
想去的那個遠方 一路來雖然很孤單
The distant place I want to go is lonely all the way
但不真的去看看 心有不甘
But I will never be at ease if I don't really check it out
敢承認脆弱 就夠勇敢 眼淚笑著擦乾
I dare to admit my vulnerability, which is bravery enough, and I wipe away my tears with a smile
哭過後就繼續 大聲的唱
After crying, I will just move on and sing out loud
她很漂亮 她很漂亮
She is beautiful, she is beautiful
笑那麼坦然 心夠寬敞 容納所有不一樣
She smiles so naturally, her heart is wide enough to hold all the differences
她很漂亮 不同但是一樣
She is beautiful, different but the same
努力綻放 向著陽光燦爛 方向
She makes an effort to bloom, towards the direction of the sunny and bright
The dark valley is a part of life
We all have to go through fear, loneliness, and despair
不要忘記愛 是最大的力量
Don't forget that love is the greatest power
她很漂亮 她很漂亮
She is beautiful, she is beautiful
笑那麼坦然 心夠寬敞 容納所有不一樣
She smiles so naturally, her heart is wide enough to hold all the differences
她很漂亮 不同但是一樣
She is beautiful, different but the same
努力綻放 向著陽光燦爛 方向
She makes an effort to bloom, towards the direction of the sunny and bright

Writer(s): Selina, Xin-zhe Xie, 施人誠

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