任賢齊 - 天生註定 - traduction des paroles en anglais

天生註定 - 任賢齊traduction en anglais

Meant to Be
嬅:午後三點下了一場大雨 沒帶傘的我只能躲在這裡
You: It started downpouring at 3pm. I didn't bring an umbrella so I'm stuck hiding out here.
遠遠的我看到了你 溼答答的落湯雞
From afar, I saw you. A drenched, bedraggled mess.
齊:沒想到竟然下了這場大雨 上班快遲到我還有點生氣
Me: Who would have thought it would rain like this? I'm going to be late for work. This is so frustrating.
遠遠的我看到了你 是上天給我的奇蹟
From afar, I saw you. You're a miracle sent from heaven.
合:第一眼我看到了你 全世界慢慢亮起
Both: The moment I laid eyes on you, the whole world lit up.
在我的心中 沒有人代替 我要的人就是你 我要的人就是你
In my heart, there's no one else. You're the one for me. You're the one for me.
Me: This is destiny.
You: This is fate.
Both: We were meant to be together.
Me: It's destiny.
You: It's fate.
合:註定我來愛你 不用懷疑
Both: It's destiny that I should love you. Don't doubt it.
齊:感謝老天下了這場大雨 茫茫人海中讓我遇見了你
Me: Thank you, heavens, for sending this downpour. In this sea of faces, it brought me to you.
嬅:我決定就從現在起 把我全部的愛給你
You: I've decided that from this moment forward, I'll give you all my love.
合:註定我來愛你 不用懷疑
Both: It's destiny that I should love you. Don't doubt it.

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