任賢齊 - 春天花會開 (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

春天花會開 (Live) - 任賢齊traduction en anglais

春天花會開 (Live)
Spring Flowers Will Bloom (Live)
春天花會開 鳥兒自由自在
Spring flowers will bloom, birds will be free
我還是在等待 等待我的愛 妳快回來(妳趕快回來)
I'm still waiting, waiting for my love, please come back (Come back soon)
總是假裝不經意 經過你家大門外
I always pretend to be casual, passing by your gate
期待妳美麗的身影 從遠遠的走過來
Hoping to see your beautiful figure, walking from afar
我的天使我的愛 為你不怕風吹日曬
Oh, my angel, my love, I'm not afraid of the wind and sun for you
偏偏命運如此的安排 只有路燈它笑我呆
But fate has arranged it this way, only the street lamp laughs at my foolishness
我的愛 我等待 你回來 分享我的愛
My love, I'm waiting, come back, share my love
冬天風雪來 花兒謝了依然會開
Winter's snow and wind come, flowers wither and will still bloom
鳥兒明天一樣會回來 只有我等到 雙鬢斑白
Birds will return tomorrow, only I will wait until my hair turns white
昔日相思樹 親手為你栽 依稀人影在 只是紅顏改
The love tree I planted for you in the past, your figure is still there, but your face has changed
你在那裡 我的愛 消失在茫茫人海
Where are you, my love, disappearing into the vast sea of people?
現實總是有一點無奈 美好的結局 慢慢期待
Reality is always a little helpless, beautiful ending, wait slowly
我的愛 我等待 你回來 分享我的愛
My love, I'm waiting, come back, share my love

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