任賢齊 - 風雲決 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 任賢齊 - 風雲決

Wind and Cloud Fight
風往哪裡吹 吹到海角天崖之顛
Where does the wind blow? Blowing to the end of the world
究竟為了誰 為誰在留戀
In the end, who is it for? Who is it that you are lingering for?
雲往哪裡飛 飛過千山萬水之邊
Where do the clouds fly? Flying over thousands of mountains and rivers
茫茫人海中 何處是停歇
In the vast sea of people, where is the end?
刀光劍影人心 看似終點又回到起點
The light of knives and swords, it seems like the end is the starting point
Searching for the human world
在你懷裡 我沉睡到永遠
In your arms, I will sleep forever
The hand of fate pushes me forward
I will follow you, follow you, and fly with you
愛恨糾結難分難解 又何苦在纏綿
Love-hate糾結 is hard to tell. Why should we be entangled?
等待了你 誓言了我
I have waited for you and I have promised you
既然要追尋 又何必後悔
Since I want to pursue, why should I regret?
天上一天 地下萬年
One day in heaven, ten thousand years on earth
In the end, it is just a regret
心靜如止水 恩怨情仇過往雲煙
My heart is as calm as still water. 恩怨情仇 is like the passing of clouds
怎奈風一起 山河日月變
How can the wind rise and the mountains and rivers change?
刀光 劍影 人心
The light of knives and swords, the human heart
It seems like the end is the starting point
尋尋 覓覓 人間
Searching and searching in the mortal world
在你懷裡 我沉睡到永遠
In your arms, I will sleep forever
The hand of fate pushes me forward
I will follow you, follow you, and fly with you
愛恨糾結 難分難解 又何苦在纏綿
Love-hate糾結 is hard to tell. Why should we be entangled?
等待了你 誓言了我
I have waited for you and I have promised you
既然要追尋 又何必後悔
Since I want to pursue, why should I regret?
天上一天 地下萬年
One day in heaven, ten thousand years on earth
In the end, it is just a regret
失去一切 卻只有你一直在我身邊
I have lost everything, but you are the only one who has always been by my side
I have won back everything, but I can never share the same moon again

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