伍佰 - 小人國 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 伍佰 - 小人國

伍佰 小人國
Wu Bai Little Man Country
在個大海中有個小綠洲 上面叢林裡有個小部落
In a great expanse of ocean there is a small green oasis There is a small tribe in the jungle
他們白眼珠卻是黑眼球 樣子很奇怪叫做小人國
Their eyes are black and their skin is white They are very strange looking and are called Little Man Country
他們嘴巴總露出一種特殊的笑容 他們的腰部常常彎下大概一尺多
They always have a special smile on their faces and their waists often bend down about a foot
我不懂他們為什麼都習慣這麼做 總讓我感到渾身有點不快活
I don't understand why they are used to do so and it always makes me feel a little queasy
他們交通好秩序沒話說 說是新人類要過新生活
Their transportation is great and their order is unquestionable They are said to be a new type of human living a new life
不往左右看也不調回頭 一步接一步只管向前走
They don't look left and right nor do they turn their heads They walk forward one step at a time without stopping
街上的每個人都好像多年的老朋友 一見到面就彎腰抬起擁抱和握手
Everyone on the street seems to be an old friend for many years When they see each other they bow and lift up their hands to embrace and shake hands
看在眼裡就覺得渾身爬滿毛毛蟲 一圈一圈地繞著令我有點虛脫
Looking at it makes me feel covered with goosebumps going around and around making me feel a little weak
歡迎你來到我們小人國 我們雖好客卻不囉唆
Welcome to our Little Man Country we are hospitable but not wordy
天生愛打獵卻好不同 就愛打蒼蠅就讓老虎走
We are born to hunt but we are different we just love to hunt flies and let tigers go
我們是一個愛好和平共存的小人國 沒人會管你無聊遊行抗議和罷工
We are a small country that loves peace and coexistence nobody cares if you have boring protests and strikes
來到這裡包你有著刻骨銘心的感受 保證你愛上我們新人類的生活 啊啊 小人國
If you come here you will have an unforgettable experience I guarantee you will fall in love with our new human life Ah ah ah Little Man Country

Writer(s): 伍佰

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