何潔 - 請別再愛我 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 何潔 - 請別再愛我

Don't Love Me Anymore
等待熱悉的身影 心像夜幕一樣黑
Waiting for the familiar figure, the heart is as dark as twilight
帶著你剩下的愛 抿著你無辜的嘴
Carrying your remaining love, pursing your innocent lips
你甚至不會說 你遲到了Sorry
You don't even say you're late Sorry
千迴百轉 怎麼錯都無所謂
Twists and turns, it doesn't matter how wrong you are
我曾做過的夢 遺落深海的時鐘
Love, the dreams I've had, a clock lost in the deep sea
Only I can hear my heartache
當你說重新來過 用我最無法抗拒的手
When you say to start over, with your hand I can't resist
But you're just touching my wounds
也許我傳錯情意 而你收錯感應
Maybe I'm sending you the wrong message and you're sensing it wrong
Let's not be insincere anymore
我無法修復的鏽掉的心 在深海裡傾聽寂寞
I can't mend my rusty heart that listens to loneliness in the deep sea
Please stop loving me
把你陌生的身影 鎖進空的玻璃杯
Lock your strange figure in an empty glass cup
已經蒸發掉的愛 想不出是為了誰
Can't figure out who the evaporated love is for
我從來不後悔 也不需再提起
I've never regretted it, nor do I need to mention it again
為時已晚 甚麼傷都無所謂
It's too late, nothing matters

Writer(s): Yu Guang Zhong, Chan Wai

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