信 - 淪陷 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 信 - 淪陷

黑夜 放出靈魂去安慰
The night releases your soul for comfort,
冬天 無力嬌艷的花園
Winter, the impotent, gorgeous garden,
呼吸 是香水讓人幻覺
Breathing, perfume deceives the senses,
Cheap roses met on a street corner.
脈搏 浮躁跳動想狂野
Pulse, a frivolous beat, yearning for the wild,
親吻 魔鬼假扮的薔薇
Kissing, a devil disguised as a rose,
不屑 是看清白癡上演
Disdain, watching an idiot's performance,
Motherfucker, grass and blue sky everywhere.
要淪陷 華麗欲望盛宴
I will sink, in a glamorous feast of desire,
要淪陷 沉溺狂熱激烈
I will sink, immersed in the heat and intensity.
疲倦 是不甘夢已擱淺
Exhaustion, the unwillingness to let a dream run aground,
放手 讓終點到得幹脆
Letting go, allowing the end to come crisp and clean,
快樂 嘴角渴望的知覺
Happiness, the sensation my mouth yearns for,
Today is the same as yesterday, unchanged.
謊言 要聽到生命終點
Lies, to be heard until life's end,
拒絶 無聊老套的諾言
Refusing, tired old promises,
Forcefully shedding the blood of self-restraint,
My body too enters a world of purity.
要淪陷 陌生比幻滅完美
I will sink, the unknown is more perfect than disillusionment,
要淪陷 謊言比真實甜美
I will sink, lies are sweeter than truth.
要心碎 還能走多遠
To be heartbroken, how much farther can I go?
甜美的謊言 真實的幻滅
Sweet lies, true disillusionment,
帶我走 離開掙紮疲憊
Take me away, from the pain and exhaustion of struggle.

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