信 - 越清醒越孤獨 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 信 - 越清醒越孤獨

從天而降的幸福 璀璨到盲目
Happiness falls from the heavens, showering me with blindness
整顆心裝滿貪圖 日夜 追逐
My heart was filled with greed, chasing day and night
狂奔揚起的塵土 讓眼前都模糊
Dust rose from my reckless pursuit, blurring my vision
我看不見但我聽見了 妳哭
I couldn't see, but I could hear you weeping
滿屋回憶如果少了溫暖 就不叫歸宿
Memories, when stripped of warmth, can no longer be my home
滿天鈔票如果少了分享 就不叫財富
Wealth, without sharing, loses its meaning
滿懷擁抱如果少了了解 就不叫呵護
Embraces, without understanding, are not nurturing
人越清醒 越是孤獨
The more lucid I become, the lonelier I feel
從天而降的幸福 彷彿是禮物
Happiness, bestowed upon me like a divine gift
怎麼會銘心刻骨 變成 酸楚
How could something so precious become so bitter
以為聰明的胡塗 太晚才弄清楚
I foolishly believed my cleverness, but realized too late
什麼才最值得用生命 保護
What truly deserves my life's protection
有些抉擇如果犯下錯誤 就無力救贖
Some choices lead to irreparable mistakes
有些豪賭如果只為寂寞 就注定慘輸
Some gambles, fueled by loneliness, are doomed to fail
有些秘密如果埋藏太久 就長成墳墓
Some secrets, hidden for too long, transform into graves
人越清醒 越是孤獨
The more lucid I become, the lonelier I feel
每個人都是某種 俘虜
We are all prisoners of our own making
滿屋回憶如果少了溫暖 就不叫歸宿
Memories, when stripped of warmth, can no longer be my home
滿天鈔票如果少了分享 就不叫財富
Wealth, without sharing, loses its meaning
滿懷擁抱如果少了了解 就不叫呵護
Embraces, without understanding, are not nurturing
人哪越清醒越是 孤獨
The more I awaken, the more alone I feel

Writer(s): Ruo Long Yao, Jun Wei Zhang Jian

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