側田 - 走音 (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 側田 - 走音 (Live)

走音 (Live)
Off-key (Live)
不懂得講笑 去氹你開心
I don't know how to crack jokes to make you happy
不懂得交際 暗裡卻走近
I don't know how to make friends but I draw close in secret
讓你聽到了 可否當上我的知音
You heard me, can you be my confidante?
寫首歌給你 說愛你一生
I wrote you a song and said I'd love you forever
未令你感動 嫌我未夠流行
It didn't move you, you said I wasn't mainstream enough
彈琴人是我 原諒我動作未夠吸引
I'm the one playing the piano, forgive me for my lack of charisma
旋律怎麼優美 也不窩心
No matter how beautiful the melody, it's not heartfelt
循例地拍掌 掌聲太牽強
The routine applause, the applause is too forced
回頭只見到你 對著電話聽與講
When I look back, I only see you talking and listening on the phone
有悶場還是太忙 何以並沒有一起合唱
Are you bored or just too busy? Why aren't we singing together?
曲終一剎那 人群內的你不知去向
As the song ends, I can't find you in the crowd
This song says I'm too naive
歌中的主角 哪試過走近
The protagonist in the song has never tried to get close
唱遍高低起跌 而情感偏偏走音
I've sung about every emotion, but my feelings are always off-key
是我只懂唱 不騷不癢誰人著緊
I can only sing, I'm not exciting, who cares?
收音機廣播 播了我的歌
The radio is playing my song
但是這曲目 你可細心聽過
But have you really listened to this track?
旁人談論我 其實更難過 是我的錯
Others talk about me, it's actually harder to hear that it's my fault
我愛的不喜愛 聽我的歌
The one I love doesn't like to listen to my songs
循例地拍掌 掌聲太牽強
The routine applause, the applause is too forced
回頭只見到你 對著電話聽與講
When I look back, I only see you talking and listening on the phone
有悶場還是太忙 何以並沒有一起合唱
Are you bored or just too busy? Why aren't we singing together?
I want to hear you sing
循例地拍掌 掌聲太牽強
The routine applause, the applause is too forced
回頭只見到你 對著電話聽與講
When I look back, I only see you talking and listening on the phone
即使我拿下金獎 而你難悶到擺出睡相
Even if I win a gold medal, you're too bored to look like you're sleeping
曲終一剎那 才明白跟你 相當勉強
As the song ends, I realize that it's really hard for me to be with you

Writer(s): Ce Tian, Fang Jie

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