ヒプノシスマイク -D.R.B- (Buster Bros!!!) feat. ヒプノシスマイク -D.R.B- (山田一郎) - Break The Wall - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ヒプノシスマイク -D.R.B- (Buster Bros!!!) feat. ヒプノシスマイク -D.R.B- (山田一郎) - Break The Wall

Break The Wall
Break The Wall
俺が 池袋Division Buster Bros Big brow こと 山田一郎だ
I'm Ichiro Yamada, aka Big Bro from Ikebukuro Division Buster Bros!
目の前にある でっかい壁 ぶっ壊してやるよ、ついてきな
I'm gonna break down the huge wall in front of us, follow me!
もし 昨日までとは違う 明日があるとするなら
If there's a tomorrow different from yesterday,
見てみたいと思わないか? その先にある未開の地 ユートピア
Wouldn't you want to see it? The unexplored land, utopia, that lies beyond
現実は ハードで過酷 支配が生んだ この世はカオスで
Reality is hard and harsh, this world born from control is chaos,
加速する 緊張感 それでも家族が 俺の心臓だ
The accelerating tension, but still, my family is my heart.
そうだ 一歩先の明日へ
That's right, to a tomorrow one step ahead
Slow downしてる場合じゃないぜ
This ain't the time to be slowing down
Blow away the borders
Don't stop 壁を壊せ
Don't stop, break down the wall
Let's go, head-on breakthrough
If we turn our backs, the scum will prevail
This world that's changed so much,
超えていこう 壁の向こうへ
Let's go beyond it, to the other side of the wall
All together now, we gonna break down wall tonight
All together now, we gonna break down the wall tonight
Can you feel it? (Hey!) I can feel it (Ho!)
Can you feel it? (Hey!) I can feel it (Ho!)
All together now, we make the world as one tonight
All together now, we make the world as one tonight
We can do it! Yeah! (Yeah!)
We can do it! Yeah! (Yeah!)
Let's go see what lies ahead! (Hey!)
Can you feel it? (Ho!)
Can you feel it? (Ho!)
It's too early to give up, right?
We can do it! Come on!
We can do it! Come on!
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on. (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon everybody ついてこい!
(Break the wall...) C'mon everybody, follow me!
It's the time we break it down! (Yeah!)
It's the time we break it down! (Yeah!)
歯食いしばってMICを通し クールに言葉を吐く
Gritting my teeth, through the mic, I spit out words coolly
フラッシュのように一瞬で 不安飛ばすか
In a flash, like a moment, blow away your anxieties
Buster 悪にはワンパンだ
Buster, one punch for evil
変わった景色 兵器よりも正義はよっぽど鋭利
The changed scenery, justice is much sharper than weapons
どん底のストリートで MICを手にし
In the rock bottom streets, with the mic in hand,
言葉の力で 刻む歴史
Carving history with the power of words
俺は信じてる どんな壁もラップで越えられる
I believe any wall can be overcome with rap
たとえ捕らわれの身でも 振り解けジャンルやカテゴリー
Even if you're captive, break free from genres and categories
肌の色や どこの人
Skin color or where you're from
What language you speak or if you're rich or poor
関係ねえ だから一歩も退くな
It doesn't matter, so don't take a step back
This bond is our lifeline
All together now, we gonna break the wall tonight.
All together now, we gonna break down the wall tonight.
Can you feel it? (Hey!) I can feel it (Ho!)
Can you feel it? (Hey!) I can feel it (Ho!)
All together now, we make the world as one tonight.
All together now, we make the world as one tonight.
We can do it! Yeah! (Yeah!)
We can do it! Yeah! (Yeah!)
この先に何があるかを見に行こうぜ (Hey!)
Let's go see what lies ahead (Hey!)
Can you feel it? (Ho!)
Can you feel it? (Ho!)
It's too early to give up, right?
We can do it! Come on!
We can do it! Come on!
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls ok?
(Break the wall...) C'mon boys and girls, okay?
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
Keep going on (Keep going on!)
(Break the wall...) C'mon everybody ついてこい!
(Break the wall...) C'mon everybody, follow me!
We're gonna break that wall tonight
We're gonna break that wall tonight
Let me hear you say, yeah (yeah!)
Let me hear you say, yeah (yeah!)
Say yeah (yeah!)
Say yeah (yeah!)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
Let me hear you say, yeah (yeah!)
Let me hear you say, yeah (yeah!)
Say yeah (yeah!)
Say yeah (yeah!)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
Say break the wall (break the wall)
It's the time we break it down
It's the time we break it down
I have a dream, one day...
I have a dream, one day...
No matter how high the wall, one day it will all crumble down
To win true freedom
The reason I hold the mic in my hand
ラップの力を俺は誰よりも確信し 倍信じてる
I believe in the power of rap more than anyone, double that belief
Blow away the borders
Don't stop 壁を壊せ!!
Don't stop, break down the wall!!

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