八三夭 - 大逃杀 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 八三夭 - 大逃杀

Battle Royale
Battle Royale
监视每趟行踪 狗仔也败啦
Tracking my every move, paparazzi would lose
窃听每通电话 密码变无码
Eavesdropping on every call, passwords have no code
谍对谍的提防 情场如战场
Spy vs. spy, cold war tactics, love on the battlefield
I'm just a token, you, the queen of the city
讯息 已读不回 忙什么忙
Message, read but no reply, what are you up to?
手机 跟谁暧昧 讲了又讲
Phone, who are you flirting with? You talk for hours
睡前 没说晚安 太没天良
Before bed, no goodnight, how heartless
可是 刚打来的 是我妈妈
But, the one that just called, it was my mom
你爱的 好杀好杀好杀 快逃吧逃吧
Your love is so lethal, run away
我真的 好傻好傻好傻 越爱越惊惊
I'm so foolish, falling deeper in love, getting scared
你爱的 好杀好杀好杀 我好怕好怕
Your love is so lethal, I'm so scared
逃不了你的 必杀 绝杀 爱的大逃杀
Can't escape your fatal blow, love's battle royale
没常常说情话 是没放心上
Not saying sweet nothings often means you don't care
没事说你好话 要小心有诈
Complimenting me for no reason, watch out for deceit
随时任性一下 杀千叨万聒
Randomly getting moody, nagging and complaining
电话 夺命连环 打了又打
Phone, relentless calls, ringing off the hook
死党 更该紧张 防了又防
Best friends, be on high alert, keep your guard up
整天 圈圈叉叉 累不累呀
All day, ticking time bombs, how exhausting
不如痛痛快快 给我一枪
Might as well give me a quick shot
你爱的 好杀好杀好杀 快逃吧逃吧
Your love is so lethal, run away
我真的 好傻好傻好傻 越爱越惊惊
I'm so foolish, falling deeper in love, getting scared
你爱的 好杀好杀好杀 我好怕好怕
Your love is so lethal, I'm so scared
逃不了你的 必杀 绝杀 爱的大逃杀
Can't escape your fatal blow, love's battle royale
Love's battle royale
一支鲜花 一把土壤
A flower, a handful of soil
祝我安息 把我埋葬
Wish me peace, bury me
告别式在 你枕头旁
My farewell by your pillow
A lifetime
一辈子 逃不了 你的爱杀杀杀杀
Forever, can't escape your deadly love
你爱的 好杀好杀好杀 快逃吧逃吧
Your love is so lethal, run away
我真的 好傻好傻好傻 越爱越惊惊
I'm so foolish, falling deeper in love, getting scared
我用力 逃亡逃亡逃亡 却发现怎么
I try to escape, but find myself lost
一个人流浪 如此 荒凉
Wandering alone, so desolate
就爱吧 好杀好杀好杀 不逃啦逃啦
Let's just love, let's be lethal, no more running
我甘愿 好笨好傻好瞎 做个大傻瓜
I'm willing to be a fool for you
管他的 情话蠢话废话 永远陪你讲
Your sweet nothings, your nonsense, I'll always listen
陪你宅在家直到 天荒
Stay home with you until the end of time
活在你身旁 就是 天涯
Living by your side is paradise
死在你手上 才叫 天堂
Dying in your arms is heaven
Love's battle royale

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