八三夭 - 老教室 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 八三夭 - 老教室

Old Classroom
An old classroom hides so much madness
那青春的荒唐 像椅背的塗鴨有點傻
The absurdity of youth, like silly graffiti on the backs of chairs
Some of my old friends became insurance salesmen
有人從此失聯 有幾個陪著我到長大
Some lost contact, a few have stayed with me until adulthood
成長嘛像大逃殺 逃不過社會化
Growing up is like a real-life battle royale, you can't escape being socialized
話說啊真的沒有 不變的永遠嗎?
But tell me, is there really nothing that stays the same forever?
約好了不見不散 那個老地方
We agreed to never miss a reunion at that old place
有沒有青春勇敢 當時的模樣
Do you still have the same young and courageous spirit?
現在的你呀我呀 是不是一樣
You and I now, are we still the same?
是不是像老教室裡 男孩天真浪漫的想像
Are we still like the innocent and romantic boys imagining in the old classroom?
That empty corridor that night
偷偷吻的慌張 失去聯絡的他還好嗎?
The panic of our secret kiss, I hope he's okay
That summer night in the self-study classroom
留在畢冊背後 許的願望你有實現嗎?
Did you ever make the wish you wrote in the back of your yearbook come true?
那時候翻過圍牆 逃離別人期望
We used to climb over the wall to escape the expectations of others
而現在為何會怕 誰的異樣眼光
But now why are we afraid of others' judgment?
約好了不見不散 那個老地方
We agreed to never miss a reunion at that old place
有沒有青春勇敢 當時的模樣
Do you still have the same young and courageous spirit?
現在的你呀我呀 是不是一樣
You and I now, are we still the same?
是不是像老教室裡 男孩天真浪漫的想像
Are we still like the innocent and romantic boys imagining in the old classroom?
The fearless ones
你撼衛生活含淚投降 放下理想為未來著想
You fought life, shed tears and surrendered, gave up your dreams for a better future
但放不下的留下來的 讓你成為怎樣的大人啊
But what about the dreams that couldn't be given up? What kind of adult did they turn you into?
我還是彈著吉他 大聲的歌唱
I still play guitar and sing my heart out
一樣會害怕掙扎 對明天徬徨
I still get scared, struggle, and worry about the future
但長大才了解啊 所謂的夢想
But now I understand that dreams
就算嚮往也會迷惘 所以夢敢做更要敢當
Can be yearned for and still be vague, so dare to dream and dare to take action
翻過圍牆往前走吧 我不再逃而是在追呀
Climb the wall and move forward, I'm no longer running away, I'm chasing my dreams
老教室裡那個男孩 也想成為這樣的我吧
That boy in the old classroom would want me to be like this
老教室裡那個你啊 現在喜歡自己嗎?
The you in the old classroom, do you like who you are now?

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