劉濤 feat. 蔣欣, 王子文, 楊紫 & 喬欣 - 我們 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 劉濤 feat. 蔣欣, 王子文, 楊紫 & 喬欣 - 我們

此刻的生活 有選擇 隨心灑脫
The life of the moment is a choice, carefree and free
扔掉冷漠的原則 是真的我
Casting aside the principles of indifference is truly me
此刻的燈火 璀璨落寞
The lights of the moment are brilliant and bleak
放下了心裡那一把鎖 是真的我
Releasing the lock on my heart is truly me
愛笑的眼睛 要哭過 才更鮮活
Smiling eyes, when they’ve cried, are more vibrant
更加有自信的閃爍 是真的我
Shining with more confidence is truly me
愛鬧的拼搏 有起有落
The struggle of being playful has ups and downs
執著柔軟不示弱 是真的我
Relentlessly gentle and never surrendering is truly me
致有夢想的靈魂 我們能一路純真
To the soulful dreamers, we can be innocent all the way
So many people envy the connection between you and me
能和我相愛的人 去追求不離不分
My darlings, let us pursue an inseparable love
So many things fade away, leaving behind those close by
曾經是陌生的人 如今能相互支撐
Once strangers, we now support each other
So many warm and lively embraces from dusk till dawn
彼此陪伴的時分 被回憶珍藏保存
The moments we share are cherished and preserved in memories
春天的花朵 綻放著 嬌豔四射
In the blooming flowers of spring, radiant and vivid
摘下乖乖女的懦弱 是真的我
I’ve shed the meekness of a well-behaved girl, that’s truly me
此刻的歡樂 屬於你我
The joy of this moment belongs to you and me
要一起探索無限可能 真的自我
Together we will explore the boundless possibilities, being our true selves
致有夢想的靈魂 我們能一路純真
To the soulful dreamers, we can be innocent all the way
So many people envy the connection between you and me
能和我相愛的人 去追求不離不分
My darlings, let us pursue an inseparable love
So many things fade away, leaving behind those close by
曾經是陌生的人 如今能相互支撐
Once strangers, we now support each other
So many warm and lively embraces from dusk till dawn
彼此陪伴的時分 被回憶珍藏保存
The moments we share are cherished and preserved in memories
致有夢想的靈魂 我們能一路純真
To the soulful dreamers, we can be innocent all the way
So many people envy the connection between you and me
能和我相愛的人 去追求不離不分
My darlings, let us pursue an inseparable love
So many things fade away, leaving behind those close by
曾經是陌生的人 如今能相互支撐
Once strangers, we now support each other
So many warm and lively embraces from dusk till dawn
彼此陪伴的時分 被回憶珍藏保存
The moments we share are cherished and preserved in memories

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