Rene Liu - 今天我生日 - traduction des paroles en anglais

今天我生日 - 劉若英traduction en anglais

Today is My Birthday
(Hi René:)
(Hi René:)
When you're so busy you can't even spare a "How are you?"
Should I still forgive you?
許久前 當你還年輕氣盛時
A long time ago, when you were still young and impetuous,
you vowed to yourself that you would
「老得理直氣壯 老得優雅」
"Grow old gracefully, grow old with dignity."
而今 你是不改其志 堅持如一
And now, are you still holding onto that ambition, unwavering?
Or has that vow long since vanished with the dust of the world?
Vanished along with the fading innocence and courage?
Your obsessive pursuit of perfection,
your naive attempts to prove your sincerity through personal effort...
都對 但也不全對
They're right, but not entirely.
是緊張 是忐忑 很想趕上時間
It's the tension, the anxiety, the desperate desire to keep up with time.
但緊張忐忑之餘 還多了點篤定
But beyond the tension and anxiety, there's a newfound certainty.
You finally understand
什麼是重要的 什麼是其次重要 什麼又是完全不重要
what is important, what is less important, and what is completely unimportant.
這種篤定 教會你節樽精力
This certainty teaches you to conserve your energy,
善加使用每一天 每一刻
to make good use of every day, every moment.
你反芻著每一天 每一刻
You reflect on every day, every moment,
不只是這一天 這一刻
not just this day, this moment,
but also all the past moments.
You can confidently tell yourself
that this past half-life has been "alright!"
不只「還行」 簡直「可以了!」
Not just "alright," but actually "pretty good!"
荒唐有過 但都很值
There were follies, but they were all worthwhile.
遺憾不少 但態度良好
There were regrets, but you handled them well.
「老得開心 老得理直氣壯 老得優雅」
"Grow old happily, grow old with dignity, grow old gracefully."
這多難啊 但你就這樣跌跌撞撞地走過來了
How difficult that is, but you've stumbled through it somehow.
優雅 理直氣壯 都談不上
Graceful, dignified, perhaps not quite.
但篤定 而且因為篤定而開心
But certain, and happy because of that certainty.
Today is your birthday.
始終逃避生日的你 想必又要淡漠以對
You, who always avoid birthdays, are probably going to treat it indifferently again.
但此刻 曾經讓你尷尬的那些祝福 卻是你現在最需要的
But now, those blessings that once embarrassed you are what you need most.
健康平安 平安健康
Health and peace, peace and health.
From René to you
From René to you
"Happy birthday!"
"Happy birthday!"

Writer(s): Jian Qi Chen, Ruo Ying Liu

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