劉若英 - 風和日麗 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 劉若英 - 風和日麗

Wind and Sunshine
That summer was so hot I could hardly breathe
日子像水蒸氣 上氣不接下氣
The days were like steamy water, I was gasping for air
幸好我遇見了你 謝天謝地
Luckily I met you, thank goodness
一整個銀河系 因為你所以七夕
An entire galaxy, because of you, so the Qixi Festival
好像被曬到頭暈 喝一口酸梅冰
As if I was dizzy from the sun, I had a sip of sour plum ice
暫時找到重心 可以鬆一口氣
Temporarily found my center of gravity, I could breathe a sigh of relief
雖然物換星移 偶然中場休息
Although things change and stars move, occasionally we take a break
Thank you for letting me rest my heart
難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
It's rare to have such peace and quiet, such wind and sunshine
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裡有過你
It's rare to have clear weather, rare to have rain, it's rare to have you in my life
難得有你可以讓我 認得 記得 值得
It's rare to have you who allows me to recognize, remember, and find worth
難得 一年總有一天我的好天氣
It's rare that I have a day of good weather every year
I can only use one eight-thousandth of a second to cherish
凝視你的單眼 凝結黑白底片
Staring at your monocular,凝結黑白底片
暫時與暫時之間 等於時間
Between the temporary and the temporary, equals time
有些過眼雲烟 來不及調整光圈
Some fleeting clouds, I don't have time to adjust the aperture
愛要的只是timing 不需要多聰明
Love just needs timing, it doesn't need to be smart
不是一見鐘情 就能一言為定
Not love at first sight, can't promise with one word
過去還過得去 只是難免可惜
The past is still passable, it's just a pity
It's a pity that I can't be beautiful for you
難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
It's rare to have such peace and quiet, such wind and sunshine
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裡有過你
It's rare to have clear weather, rare to have rain, it's rare to have you in my life
難得有你可以讓我 認得 記得 值得
It's rare to have you who allows me to recognize, remember, and find worth
難得 一年總有一天我的好天氣
It's rare that I have a day of good weather every year
難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
It's rare to have such peace and quiet, such wind and sunshine
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裡有過你
It's rare to have clear weather, rare to have rain, it's rare to have you in my life
難得有你可以讓我 認得 記得 值得
It's rare to have you who allows me to recognize, remember, and find worth
難得 聽說明天又是一個好天氣
It's rare, I heard tomorrow is another day of good weather

Writer(s): Yi-bang Lan

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