動力火車 - 繼續轉動 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 動力火車 - 繼續轉動

Keep Rolling
烈日当空 那个坚定面孔
The sun is blazing, that firm face
is my stalwart smile
The dream that I have held in my hand has not changed
Still surging in my heart
有一个梦 Run过春夏秋冬
There is a dream Run through the spring, summer, autumn and winter
Run到这里 不能让他落空
Run to here It can't let him run empty
世界虽然不同 地球还在转动
Although the world is different, the earth is still turning
我们依然用功 我们一样带种
We still work hard We are still brave
装满之前 先把自己掏空
Fill it up first Empty yourself first
归零之后 明天更加威风
After zeroing, tomorrow will be more majestic
挥动你的双手 车轮继续转动
Wave your hands Keep the wheels turning
指引我的路 陪我一路向前冲
Guide my way Accompany me to rush forward
继续转动 那最初的梦
Keep rolling That initial dream
一起奔向 最后的光荣
Rush together to The final glory
继续转动 Run all the way home
Keep rolling Run all the way home
让我们 坚持到最后一秒钟
Let us Persist to the last second
暴雨狂风 依然不为所动
The rainstorm and strong wind still remain unmoved
It is your steel-like composure
眉宇之中 眼神指向天空
Your eyes are pointing to the sky between your eyebrows
Your fierce spirit is like a rainbow
有一个梦 Run过南北西东
There is a dream Run through the south, north, west and east
Run到这里 谁都一样感动
Run to here Everyone is moved in the same way
掌声已经失控 欢呼更加激动
The applause has already lost control Cheers are more exciting
我们不会放松 我们一样神勇
We will not relax We are still brave
突破重围 困难无动于衷
Break through the siege Difficulties do not move
战胜自己 输赢都是成功
Conquer yourself Losing or winning is success
挥动你的双手 车轮继续转动
Wave your hands Keep the wheels turning
指引我的路 陪我一路向前冲
Guide my way Accompany me to rush forward
继续转动 那最初的梦
Keep rolling That initial dream
一起奔向 最后的光荣
Rush together to The final glory
继续转动 Run all the way home
Keep rolling Run all the way home
让我们 坚持到最后一秒钟
Let us Persist to the last second
继续转动 那最初的梦
Keep rolling That initial dream
一起奔向 最后的光荣
Rush together to The final glory
继续转动 Run all the way home
Keep rolling Run all the way home
让我们 坚持到最后一秒钟
Let us Persist to the last second
继续转动 那最初的梦
Keep rolling That initial dream
一起奔向 最后的光荣
Rush together to The final glory
继续转动 Run all the way home
Keep rolling Run all the way home
是英雄 就在终点与我相拥
Is the hero Embracing me at the finish line

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