The story goes that in the third year of Zhenguan reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang, 1375 years ago, the great monk Xuanzang vowed
to journey to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. The journey took 17 years, spanning over 100 countries, to reach India and retrieve over 60,000 Buddhist sutras. Upon returning
to Chang'an, Xuanzang recounted his experiences, which his disciples compiled into "Great Tang Records on the Western Regions."
彈 頭: 他們說我是否章回小說看太多 突然想戒煙戒酒還想要修成正果
Ballhead: They say I've been reading too many chaptered novels, suddenly wanting to quit smoking, quit drinking, and even achieve enlightenment.
石頭裡蹦出一隻叫悟空的猴 牠打抱不平的樣子就像是我
A monkey named Wukong burst forth from a stone, his righteous indignation just like me.
巨 砲: 傳說中豬八戒怎麼吃還是很餓 而牠跟我一樣老是戒不了女色
Giant Cannon: Legend says Zhu Bajie is always hungry, no matter how much he eats, and just like me, he can't resist women.
我胖是胖了一點但是人不醜 而且我的身手靈活還很溫柔
I may be a little chubby, darling, but I'm not ugly. Plus, I'm nimble and gentle.
全: 我吃齋唸佛 卻沒撐多久 又舉起拳頭 誰叫我重朋友
All: I eat vegetarian and chant, but it doesn't last long. I raise my fists again, because of my loyalty to my friends.
宇 豪: 沙悟淨他膀子上的九顆骷髏頭 加起來也沒有我所惹的麻煩多
Yuhao: Sha Wujing's nine skulls on his necklace don't add up to the trouble I cause.
蜘蛛精的誘惑這城市到處有 我閉上眼睛唸阿彌陀佛
The temptation of spider demons is everywhere in this city. I close my eyes and chant Amitabha.
蓋 瑞: 故事裡的唐僧師徒四人過沙漠 眾人來到西域取經直達天竺國
Gary: The story tells of the four disciples of Tang Sanzang crossing the desert, arriving in the Western Regions to obtain scriptures, reaching India.
我的努力卻看不到結果 就只會唸唸金箍咒在找藉口
My efforts yield no results, I just keep chanting the Tightening-Headband咒, making excuses.
全: 我面壁思過 又沒撐多久 想立地成佛 卻有一堆損友
All: I face the wall in repentance, but it doesn't last. I want to achieve instant enlightenment, but I have a bunch of bad friends.
佛總是曰不可說 麵筋你就別再取笑土豆
Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Gluten, stop making fun of Potato.
弟子別問為什麼 我們窩在同一瓶的罐頭
Disciples, don't ask why. We're all stuck in the same can.
佛總是曰不可說 大家又何必強出頭誰來當老大誰是老二
Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Why bother fighting over who's the boss?
凡人 只要照著做 我們根本就是同一種的貨色
Mortals, just follow the rules. We're all the same.
口 白: 牛魔王你哪裡逃 師父小心啊 小心啊 師父 啊 二師兄
Narration: Bull Demon King, where are you running? Master, be careful! Careful, Master! Ah! Second Brother!
彈 頭: 而我們這幾個隨便一個觔斗 就八萬四千公里的四海雲游
Ballhead: And any one of us, with a single somersault, can travel eighty-four thousand kilometers, roaming the four seas.
巨 砲: 跟貪念大戰了三百回合 如來的手掌心終究是逃不過
Giant Cannon: After three hundred rounds battling greed, we still can't escape the Buddha's palm.
全: 佛總是曰不可說 麵筋你就別再取笑土豆
All: Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Gluten, stop making fun of Potato.
弟子別問為什麼 我們窩在同一瓶的罐頭
Disciples, don't ask why. We're all stuck in the same can.
佛總是曰不可說 大家又何必強出頭誰來當老大誰是老二
Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Why bother fighting over who's the boss?
凡人 只要照著做 我們根本就是同一種的貨色
Mortals, just follow the rules. We're all the same.
佛總是曰不可說 大家又何必強出頭誰來當老大誰是老二
Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Why bother fighting over who's the boss?
弟子別問為什麼 我們根本就是同一種的貨色
Disciples, don't ask why. We're all the same.
佛總是曰不可說 大家又何必強出頭誰來當老大誰是老二
Buddha always says it's unspeakable. Why bother fighting over who's the boss?
凡人 只要照著做 我們根本就是同一種的貨色
Mortals, just follow the rules. We're all the same.
Buddha always says it's unspeakable.
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