吉岡亜衣加 - ひとひら花便り - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 吉岡亜衣加 - ひとひら花便り

A Single Petal's Letter
振り返り また進む 誠の道へ
Turning back to face forward the path of sincerity,
ほころぶつぼみ仰ぎ 誓いを束ねた
Budding flowers I look up to, gathered vows.
From the thin ice (usurai) that the sun melted
The tear of hope overflows.
あたたかい故郷 揺れた
My gentle hometown, I am swayed.
咲き集う花明かり それがこの絆
Blossoming light of flowers, that is our bond.
たたえあう眩しい笑顔 いつも勇気灯す
The bright smiles that are reflected always ignite courage.
Gathering lights that skip through the ripples.
貝寄せの風がほら 想い出も運ぶ
The wind carrying seashells, behold, also carries feelings.
ひとひらの便りを 季節が染め
A single piece of mail, the season has colored it,
めくる暦の数 纏う
The number of days in the changing calendar, I wind together.
ゆずれぬ願い 響く
Unequivocal hope resounds.
流れ往(ゆ)く花筏 目指す岸辺へと
The flower raft flows away, toward the aimed-for shore.
この夢に飛び立てた場所 時の影を包む
This dream of a place where I can fly, time's shadows envelop me.
咲き集う花明かり それがこの絆
Blossoming light of flowers, that is our bond.
たたえあう眩しい笑顔 いつも勇気灯す
The bright smiles that are reflected always ignite courage.
流れ往く花筏 浅葱の海へと
The flower raft flows gently down the pale green sea.
たまゆらをつなぐ絆が 時の振り子戻す
The bond that connects us momentarily turns back time's pendulum.
故郷 いつもそばに...
My hometown, always at my side...

Writer(s): 上園 彩結音, 鶴 由雄, 上園 彩結音, 鶴 由雄

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