吳若希 - 錯的一天 - 劇集 "伙記辦大事" 片尾曲 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 吳若希 - 錯的一天 - 劇集 "伙記辦大事" 片尾曲

錯的一天 - 劇集 "伙記辦大事" 片尾曲
A Wrong Day - Ending Theme of "Legal Mavericks" TV series
誰談論著你 一千句都不必理睬
Who's talking about you A thousand words don't need to be paid attention to
Let this self-confidence not change because of others
難道他不可替代 身影散去又再
Isn't he irreplaceable The figure fades away and then again
似是霧霾在圍著你 瀰漫到心內
It's like a smog surrounding you Permeating your mind
誰維護著你 你現時多麼感慨
Who's supporting you Now you're feeling so emotional
就算不想失去 可不可能放開
Even if I don't want to lose Can I let go
早知傷心有害 冷靜與迷失的競賽
Knowing that sadness is harmful A competition of calmness and loss
這種感覺為何像愛 有罪卻很精彩
Why does this feeling seem like love Guilty yet wonderful
在錯的景點 在錯的一天 就讓美好記憶也沉澱
At a wrong place At a wrong day Let the beautiful memories settle down
放在面前一串禮物 裝作看不見 怕快樂會變遷
In front of me a string of gifts I pretend not to see I'm afraid that happiness will change
在錯的起點 自責有一點 道行太淺怕真相浮現
At a wrong starting point I feel a little guilty My cultivation is too shallow I'm afraid the truth will come to light
要是未能通過試煉 不要再相見
If I can't pass the test Let's not meet again
還未曾越界之前 退開一線
Before we cross the line Take a step back
誰維護著你 怕以後都不可再
Who's supporting you I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it again in the future
就算不想失去 可不可能放得開
Even if I don't want to lose Can I let go
早知傷心有害 冷靜與情感的競賽
Knowing that sadness is harmful A competition of calmness and emotion
這種感覺為何像愛 痛但覺得精彩
Why does this feeling seem like love It hurts but I find it wonderful
在錯的景點 在錯的一天 就讓美好記憶也沉澱
At a wrong place At a wrong day Let the beautiful memories settle down
放在面前一串禮物 裝作看不見 我怕又再想念
In front of me a string of gifts I pretend not to see I'm afraid I'll miss you again
在錯的起點 自責有一點 道行太淺怕真相浮現
At a wrong starting point I feel a little guilty My cultivation is too shallow I'm afraid the truth will come to light
要是未能通過試煉 不要再相見
If I can't pass the test Let's not meet again
還未曾越界之前 決心講再見
Before we cross the line I'm determined to say goodbye
撕開面具 漆黑之中寄居
Tearing off the mask Living in the darkness
總揹負原罪 感覺太累你為何要追
Always carrying the original sin Feeling too tired Why do you have to chase after me
在錯的景點 在錯的一天 就讓美好記憶也沉澱
At a wrong place At a wrong day Let the beautiful memories settle down
放在面前一串禮物 裝作似未見 害怕還是會想念
In front of me a string of gifts I pretend not to see I'm afraid I'll miss you still
在錯的起點 自責有一點 道行太淺怕真相浮現
At a wrong starting point I feel a little guilty My cultivation is too shallow I'm afraid the truth will come to light
要是未能通過試煉 不要再相見
If I can't pass the test Let's not meet again
還未曾越界之前 退開一線 再退開一線
Before we cross the line Take a step back Take another step back

Writer(s): Mei Xian Zhang, Luo Qiang Xu

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