吳克群 - 我的自傳 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 吳克群 - 我的自傳

My Autobiography
記得那年我十六歲 我定下了人生的志願
Remember that year when I was sixteen I set my life goal
就拋開一切 我要出唱片
I gave up everything, I want to make a record
From then on, I sing and sing to my heart's content
政治太複雜 我沒有辦法
Politics is too complex, I can't do it
數學不夠強 我放棄從商
Math is not strong enough, I give up business
決定學那劉德華 我要我要我要做偶像
Decided to learn from Andy Lau, I want to be an idol
當時年紀小 真的哪裡怕 比棒棒堂衝 比超女還壯
I was young at that time, I'm not afraid of anything, braver than 棒棒堂, stronger than 超女
I packed my bags and went to Taipei to go to school alone
考上大學 該學不學
I was admitted to university, but I didn't study what I should study
比賽一堆 對對對對媽媽說的對
There were a lot of competitions. Mom is right, right, right
我這叫做不務正業 但我相信總有一天唱到對
I call it not doing my job properly, but I believe one day I will sing the right song
好死不死 被我弄對 有了公司要和我簽約
By chance, I got it right, and a company wants to sign a contract with me
要幫我出唱片 喔喔 接下來會怎樣
To help me make a record, oh oh, what's going to happen next
就請你給我個答案 就請你給我個答案
Please give me an answer, please give me an answer
答案不久馬上揭曉 過了五個月 我二十一歲
The answer was soon revealed, five months later, I was twenty-one
Released my first album called "That Never Found"
沒錯 大家真的沒發現
That's right, no one really noticed
大家發現一個倫 他叫周杰倫
Everyone discovers a Lun, his name is Jay Chou
我慢慢沉淪 剩我一個人 聽著雙節棍
I slowly sank, leaving me alone, listening to Double Sticks
I had no choice but to act
拍拍偶像劇 看看能不能東山再起
Make idol dramas and see if I can make a comeback
也許\這是我的命 我拼了命 磨練演技
Maybe this is my destiny, I worked hard to hone my acting skills
但太多人與人的遊戲 有時我真的有苦無心
But there are too many interpersonal games, sometimes I really suffer
我不想再繼續做戲 讓我做我自己
I don't want to act anymore, let me be myself
就請你給我個答案 就請你給我個答案
Please give me an answer, please give me an answer
揹個吉他 拿個撥片
Carry a guitar, grab a pick
我想要來組個band 決心玩音樂
I want to form a band and play music
I just realized that it doesn't matter who I am or who I am, it's not the point
重點是站在舞台上 看著舞台下
The point is to stand on the stage and look at the stage
就這一首歌 大家齊唱和 我們的心裡都有一首歌
This one song, everyone sings together, we all have a song in our hearts
是不是那老天聽到 我的運氣又怎來到
Did God hear my luck and come again
A caring person heard him
Mr. Tian asked me if I wanted to join Seed Music
就請你給我個答案 就請你給我個答案
Please give me an answer, please give me an answer
過了不久 出了新歌
Not long after, a new song came out
A song that speaks my heart out is called Wu Kequn
I really just want to sing for you
Later, Big Tongue followed by General's Order
突然有人說我抄襲 樹大招風不是沒道理 damn
Suddenly someone said I plagiarized, a big tree attracts the wind, and it's not unreasonable, damn
曲風也可以抄襲嗎 假如那首歌礙到你
Can the style of the song be plagiarized too? If that song bothered you
我想這首歌你一定不滿意 我只能說
I think you must be dissatisfied with this song, I can only say
對不起 敬個禮 放個嗶 臭死你
Sorry, salute, beep, stink you
因為這首歌 它不算rap 我只能算它是數來寶
Because this song is not rap, I can only count it as a patter rap
跟很多數來寶歌手一樣 因為字太多所以你知道只好
Like many patter rap singers, because there are too many words, so you know you have to
(Some are because of bad intonation)
就請你給我個答案 就請你給我個答案
Please give me an answer, please give me an answer
但是一晃眼 出了三張片 也過了幾年
But in the blink of an eye, three films came out, and several years have passed
The entire record industry has changed, changed, changed, and changed
胸部跑在衣服前面 歌手躲在緋聞的後面
Breasts run in front of clothes, singers hide behind scandals
The songwriter eats instant noodles
方便都不再方便 全世界都是狗仔隊 好像我們不對
Convenience is no longer convenient. The world is full of paparazzi. It seems that we are wrong
他們是不是一對 反正不對的上了報紙才對
Are they a couple? Anyway, it's not right to make the wrong in the newspaper
唱歌的人跑去拍電影 寫歌的人開始不知蹤影
Singers go to make movies, and songwriters start to disappear
每個人都開始宣布從影 老歌開始越來越好聽
Everyone starts to announce that they will appear in movies, and old songs are getting better and better
唱片公司自己買唱片 歌迷的心一變再變
Record companies buy their own records, and fans' hearts change again and again
Blame it all on the economy, politics, and the weather on earth
我的天這是什麼世界 我們什麼時候怪自己 知道自己不對
My God, what kind of world is this? When will we blame ourselves and know that we are wrong? Know that we are wrong
對不起歌迷 是我們不對
I'm sorry fans, it's our fault
就請你給我個答案 就請你給我個答案
Please give me an answer, please give me an answer

Writer(s): Ke Qun Wu

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