吳業坤 - 演員 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 吳業坤 - 演員

星光總觀照著人生 但我未懂世情
The starlight always shines on life, but I don't understand the world
喧嘩中孤身隻影 聽不到我的心聲
Alone in the hustle and bustle, my heart is not heard
歡呼聲充滿艷羨 都應該歡笑露面 怎麼只得憂鬱感性
The cheers are full of envy, everyone should be smiling, why am I the only one with melancholy
無奈被學習遺憾當透明 人只可安葬痛的感應
Helplessly, learning regrets, being transparent, people can only bury the feeling of pain
憑正面 難症斷 如可以
In the face of difficulties, I can't endure them, if I could
可不跟稿去賣笑 我背面藏著憾事
I wouldn't follow the script and sell my smile, I have regrets hidden behind me
如何演 要憤怒還是蓋掩
How to act, should I be angry or pretend
But in the end, no one knows
再努力迎接一天 又一天 求蒼天
Trying my best to face each day, begging the heavens
蒼生天天也幻變 你有沒留淚在枕邊
The world changes every day, have you shed tears on your pillow
如能演 有戲服留待我穿
If I could act, I would have a costume waiting for me
明明著上就可以步進光圈 青春偏偏已道別
Obviously, I could step into the spotlight, but my youth has already bid farewell
燈火中飛撲是人生 問我又怎說明
Jumping into the fire is life, how can I explain it
將漆黑中的記憶 譜出動聽的歌聲
Composing a melodious song from the memories in the dark
不甘於遵照命令 想親手擺脫宿命 應捉緊天真的率性
Unwilling to obey orders, wanting to break free from fate, should seize the innocence
原諒並未學習別要太易動情 難掩飾心裡愛哭的本性
Forgiving and not learning, don't be too emotional, it's hard to hide the crying nature of my heart
憑正面 難症斷 如可以
In the face of difficulties, I can't endure them, if I could
可不跟稿去賣笑 我背面藏著憾事
I wouldn't follow the script and sell my smile, I have regrets hidden behind me
如何演 要憤怒還是蓋掩
How to act, should I be angry or pretend
But in the end, no one knows
再努力迎接一天 又一天 求蒼天
Trying my best to face each day, begging the heavens
蒼生天天也幻變 你有沒留淚在枕邊
The world changes every day, have you shed tears on your pillow
如能演 有戲服留待我穿
If I could act, I would have a costume waiting for me
全球拍案絕叫會為我在意 喊破青筋我都要
The world would gasp and scream for me, I want to shout until my veins pop
要令世間都歡笑 最重要是 迷惘都要懂得笑
To make the world laugh, the most important thing is to laugh at confusion
能真心過活 才可在鎂光燈不閃 仍在笑
Only by living sincerely can you still laugh without the flashing lights
堅守到最後 才發現 才開竅
Persevering to the end, only then did I realize, only then did I understand
稿中一篇對白説 閉了幕從來沒緊要
A line in the script says, it doesn't matter when the curtain falls
如重演 我會為誰在上演
If I were to play again, who would I play for
明瞭已脫下不了 是我在意 這角色選了不變
I understand that I can't take it off, it's my choice, this role is不变
何妨演 要偉大還是透明
Why act, to be great or transparent
明瞭我正是我 戲服已揀選 公演一生至道別
I understand that I am who I am, I have chosen my costume, and I will perform my life until the end

Writer(s): Yao Peng Liang, Hong Da Chen, Shi Shen Chen, Zu Guang Zhang, Ke Yao (aka A Bert) Liang

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