周華健 - Happy Tonight - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 周華健 - Happy Tonight

Happy Tonight
Happy Tonight
感覺時間像被消了音 生活的框一副一副換著背景
Feeling time like it was muted Life's frames changing backdrops one by one
放慢看長鏡頭裡忙碌的自己 日子安靜沒怎樣的繼續
Slow down to see myself bustling in the long shots My days continue quietly without much fuss
放空週末圈上的日期 那幾個號碼喚來那幾個兄弟
Clearing my mind for weekend dates circled on my calendar Those few numbers call forth those few brothers
幽默調侃著聊什麼沒關係 一個人到一群人是種安心
Jokingly teasing, it doesn't matter what we talk about From one person to a group is a kind of reassurance
做什麼犒賞自己 這些年也算務實努力
What to do to reward ourselves We've been practical and hardworking these years
當品味也有了年紀 快樂越簡單越顯得珍稀
As taste matures with age Happiness, the simpler, the more precious it seems
今晚不要說傷心的事情 難得的是有人懂你
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things It's rare to find someone who understands you
A few beers and songs I can't remember the words to
Laughing and messing around can also be a kind of carefree ease
今晚不要說傷心的事情 誰都有自己的問題
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things We all have our own problems
The mood of looking at good scenery in bad weather
未來還有幾個目的地 沒登過的山頂未完成的事情
There are still a few destinations in the future Unclimbed peaks and unfinished things
沿途是一路星光或披荊斬棘 滿足的事值得身體力行
Along the way, there may be starlight or thorns and bushes Things that satisfy are worth the effort
現實有時會讓人麻痺 日常匆匆總會有些煩心的事
Reality can sometimes numb us Daily rushes always have some hassles
至少身邊從不缺誰透透氣 有邊走邊玩的伴互給力氣
At least there's always someone around to vent to Someone to walk and play with, to give each other strength
做什麼犒賞自己 這些年也算務實努力
What to do to reward ourselves We've been practical and hardworking these years
當品味也有了年紀 快樂越簡單越顯得珍稀
As taste matures with age Happiness, the simpler, the more precious it seems
今晚不要說傷心的事情 難得的是有人懂你
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things It's rare to find someone who understands you
A few beers and songs I can't remember the words to
Laughing and messing around can also be a kind of carefree ease
今晚不要說傷心的事情 誰都有自己的問題
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things We all have our own problems
The mood of looking at good scenery in bad weather
今晚不要說傷心的事情 偷閒作樂幾個知心
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things A few close friends to relax and have fun with
It's a blessing to be able to continue like this after all this time
Saying and doing, not lacking in spontaneity More improvisation
今晚不要說傷心的事情 拍拍肩膀是種默契
Tonight, let's not talk about sad things A pat on the shoulder is a kind of understanding
A relationship of sharing and bearing
Knowing in my heart, when I turn around, you'll be right here

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