品冠 - 等等啊我的青春(網路劇《等等啊我的青春》片尾曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 品冠 - 等等啊我的青春(網路劇《等等啊我的青春》片尾曲)

Wait, My Youth (OST of the web drama "Wait, My Youth")
左邊一條長長的跑道 青春一個個走遠
On the left, a long runway, youth fading away one by one
提醒大家時光荏苒 告別有我們的昨天
Reminding everyone that time flies, saying goodbye to our yesterday
右邊一次短短的遇見 九月的落葉一片
On the right, a brief encounter, a fallen leaf in September
拿在手中慢慢懷念 這份屬於我們的緣
Holding it in my hand, reminiscing slowly, this fate that belongs to us
這一刻成永恆的回憶 留在這裡 這一刻
This moment becomes an eternal memory, staying here, this moment
被反復的循環 放在心裡 那句想說而不
Repeatedly looping, kept in my heart, those words I want to say but
敢說的話 留在夢裡 那些後來變甜美的
dare not, staying in my dreams, those pains that later turned sweet
疼痛 都淋著雨 手邊一張暖暖的相片
Soaked in the rain, a warm photo in my hand
陽光灑滿你的臉 看起來是那麼明顯
Sunlight spilling over your face, it looked so obvious, like
標注愛的書簽 耳邊一句淺淺的再見
A bookmark marking love, a soft goodbye in my ear
倒數開始的想念 放在心裡那麼清甜
The countdown begins, missing you, so clear in my heart, it's
寫滿愛的留言 這一刻成永恆的回憶
A love letter full of words, this moment becomes an eternal memory
留在這裡 這一刻被反復的循環 放在心
Staying here, this moment repeatedly looping, kept in my
那句想說而不敢說的話 留在夢裡
heart, those words I want to say but dare not, staying in my dream
那些後來變甜美的疼痛 這一刻成永恆
Those pains that later turned sweet
的回憶 留在這裡 這一刻被反復的循環
This moment becomes an eternal memory, staying here, this moment repeatedly looping
放在心裡 那句想說而不敢說的話 留在
Kept in my heart, those words I want to say but dare not, staying
夢裡 那些後來變甜美的疼痛 都淋著雨
in my dream, those pains that later turned sweet
左邊一條長長的跑道 青春一個個走遠
On the left, a long runway, youth fading away one by one
提醒大家時光荏苒 告別有我們的昨天
Reminding everyone that time flies, saying goodbye to our yesterday

Writer(s): 董冬冬

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