國蛋 - Let Me Talk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 國蛋 - Let Me Talk

Let Me Talk
Let Me Talk
就讓我說 像把口水噴進誰的耳朵
Just let me talk like saliva spraying into whose ears
就讓我說 腿不夠粗但連瞎子也摸
Just let me talk though my legs are not so thick but even the blind can touch them
就讓我說 一直到凌晨大概四點多
Just let me talk until about 4 a.m. in the morning
就讓我說 就讓我說
Just let me talk just let me talk
Still can't figure it out
我還在我的30 先不講不惑
I'm still in my thirties let alone the confusion
Praise her beauty like her hair is white as snow or black as ink
用這種氛圍來搭配 再好不過
This kind of atmosphere is the best match
競爭讓我興奮 當機會來了不用禮讓
Competition makes me excited when a chance comes without giving up
將我冰鎮 當感覺太燙誰來抵抗
Freeze me when the feeling is too hot for anyone to resist
多了好多目標 多了好多筆帳
Too many goals too many accounts
我的牛肉太生 傻瓜才多要幾磅
My beef is too rare only a fool would ask for more
The street brothers really look hungry I'm not lying to you
麥克風測試12 先改變我才改變你
Microphone test 12 first change myself before changing you
有一些像是稀客 有一些常看見你
Some seem to be rare guests while some I see very often
對誰來說 是神還雞肋 都隨便你
For some I am a god but for some a chicken rib whatever you like
隨時武裝心態類似fuck you pay me
Always get ready to fight with the attitude of fuck you pay me
跟誰站在一起 敵人都是對立
Standing with anyone enemies are all on the opposite side
There are no rules in my bar it's good to be a little drunk
能讓人畫上引號就夠 那倒未必
Make people quote is enough right not necessarily
Let me talk my shit
Let me talk my shit
就讓我說 像口水噴進誰的耳朵
Just let me talk like saliva spraying into whose ears
就讓我說 腿不夠粗但連瞎子也摸
Just let me talk though my legs are not so thick but even the blind can touch them
就讓我說 早習慣了在每個四點多
Just let me talk I'm used to every 4 a.m.
就讓我說 就讓我說
Just let me talk just let me talk
我的饒舌不用老師 無法教你怎麼做
My rap doesn't need a teacher who can't teach you how to do it
一堆機器人分什麼對 什麼錯
Lots of robots tell what's right what's wrong
什麼韻腳 像就歸類你是什麼貨
What rhyme like to classify you as what kind of goods
什麼學校都不重要 看我這是什麼flow
What school doesn't matter at all look at this flow
看過OG為了利益 像把褲子脫掉
Seen an OG who took off his pants for benefits
看過hater以前說不 現在反而說要
Seen a hater who used to say no but now says yes
我記得他們 從沒有把雙手借我
I remember they never lend me a hand
現在要借我的什麼獲利 終於開竅
Now what they want to borrow from me is finally figured out
說的和做的 看出那是另外一套
What they say and do seem to be another set
以為我的feature免費 應該收你一兆
Thinking my feature is free should charge you a trillion
失去尊重 只有年紀大我一號
Losing respect only one year older than me
證明我還混得ok 準備大幹一票
Prove I'm doing okay prepare for a big job
封面上警告 未成年要家長指導
Cover warning minors need parental guidance
內容太真 骯髒色情暴力辭藻
Content too real with dirty pornographic violent vocabularies
拳王泰森 幾拳下去就像洗腦
Like boxing champion Tyson a few punches like brainwashing
Like turning various festivals into a lantern festival
Let me talk
Let me talk
就讓我說 像口水噴進誰的耳朵
Just let me talk like saliva spraying into whose ears
就讓我說 腿不夠粗但連瞎子也摸
Just let me talk though my legs are not so thick but even the blind can touch them
就讓我說 早習慣了在每個四點多
Just let me talk I'm used to every 4 a.m.
就讓我說 就讓我說
Just let me talk just let me talk

Writer(s): Guo Jun Yang Aka Gordon

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