國蛋 - 嘻哈囝 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 國蛋 - 嘻哈囝

Hip-Hop Kid
Like I told myself I'm cool
又像我剛認識妳那時候 妳的笑沒忍住
And like when I first met you, your smile couldn't hold back
也像我剛開始懂事 剛開始有感觸
And like when I first started to understand, when I first had feelings
When a certain talent was inspired and just started to show
At that age
I tried to contact you every day
Hearing your voice could maintain this sweetness
You pulled me out of the abyss so I could keep moving forward
I followed the scent behind you, it eased my nerves
Like you said, I remember all the words of wisdom
像所託付的是我 不讓妳受欺負
Like what was entrusted to me, not to let you get bullied
Like you wanted me to express myself
赤裸表達赤裸 儘管字醜
Express myself raw, even if my words are ugly
也寫下過錯像自首 妳說是否
To write down my mistakes like a confession, you said, isn't that right?
多麼忘我 接近解脫
How selfless
Only asking to lighten the atmosphere, how fitting for a song
在心裡放火 不求讓誰濕了眼窩
To set fire in the heart, not to make anyone's eyes wet
但只怕妳離好遠讓我們靠近點說 近點說 Wo
But I'm only afraid you're too far away, let us move closer, closer, Wo
Uh 就這樣當個嘻哈囝
Uh, just be a hip-hop kid
Uh 跟妳一樣當個嘻哈囝
Uh, be a hip-hop kid just like you
Uh 當個嘻哈囝
Uh, be a hip-hop kid
What does it mean to be unique?
Over time, it gradually ferments and makes you cough lightly
用我的想法讓故事節奏 緊緊密合
Using my ideas to make the story and rhythm fit together tightly
如果要犧牲什麼 有一失必然有一得
If something must be sacrificed, there is bound to be a gain
You can tell I rap by the way I dress
Cherish every opportunity to take care of my family and repay my comrades
揭開社會的蒼疤 幫多少傷口縫合
Reveal the scars of society, heal many wounds
有時妳妝花了 看著模糊我的風格
Sometimes your makeup is smeared, making my style blurry
體會好多愛是做假 只有恨是真的
Experiencing so much fake love, only hate is real
我寧可裝聾作啞 畢竟還涉世未深呢
I'd rather pretend to be deaf and dumb, after all, I'm still inexperienced
I don't know how to tell if a new friend is an enemy
追求妳的迷人 當我只是bamboo represent
Pursuing your charm, when I'm just a bamboo representative
腳步越快 歲月像在加速
The faster the pace, the faster the years seem to go by
也曾迷失不只一次 喉嚨像被掐住
I have gotten lost more than once, my throat feels like it's being choked
Deeply immersed in your embrace, like you're welcoming me in
似曾相識又déjà vu damn 我又déjà vu
Déjà vu, and déjà vu again, damn, I have déjà vu again
Uh 就這樣當個嘻哈囝
Uh, just be a hip-hop kid
Uh 跟妳一樣當個嘻哈囝
Uh, be a hip-hop kid just like you
Uh 當個嘻哈囝
Uh, be a hip-hop kid
(寫下你的夢 你的喜怒哀樂 你的痛
(Write down your dreams, your joys and sorrows, your pain
And he can′t stop, won't stop
And he can′t stop, won't stop
寫下你的夢 你的喜怒哀樂 你的痛)
Write down your dreams, your joys and sorrows, your pain)
我們在彼此眼裡 都在改變
We have changed in each other's eyes
變得影響更多的人 印證當年表現
Changing and influencing more people, proving your performance back then
從應該讓妳刮目相看 變成身心保健
From being someone you should look up to to being a mental health aid
Most of the cops still hate me when they see me
妳懂我 像妳指著胸口說這
You understand me, like you pointed at your chest and said this
才是我正確的方向 別輕易的說撤
Is my true direction, don't say retreat so easily
對週遭保持冰冷 反而妳說熱
Be cold to the surroundings, but you say it's hot
但我是否變成更好的人 妳說哼
But have I become a better person? You say, hmm
答案要是有 那肯定享受其中過程
If there is an answer, then it must be enjoyable
要是沒有 那我也許沒妳所見過人
If there isn't, then maybe I'm not the person you've met
要是沒酒 那怎麼辦早勸妳戒了
If there's no alcohol, what can we do? I told you to quit
要是沒扭的屁股 猜妳快沒電了
If there's no butt to shake, I guess you're running out of energy
And you hate using certain tricks to decorate dirty things
中指可能還不夠 Hum
The middle finger may not be enough Hum
Who can be considered old, mature, or young, or
我也是 對妳還不算突破
Me too, to you, I'm not a breakthrough
Having you is enough
Gaining simple happiness should dilute your worries
我卻夾在中間左右來回 像折返跑
But I'm caught in the middle, going back and forth like a shuttle run
偏執背對了現實 我也快被難倒
Stubbornly turning my back on reality, I'm about to be defeated
爭執為了所謂真實 過了多久還吵
Arguing for so-called truth, how long have we been arguing?
I'm still waiting for you to personally place the crown on my head
最後要是帶不走名利 那至少留樣
If I can't take away the fame and fortune in the end, at least leave me a sample
就這樣紀錄著妳 那讓人嫉妒的痞
Just like this, recording you, that enviable rascal
也讓妳庇護的癮 妳猜是什麼模樣 這模樣 Uh
And let the addiction you protect you, guess what it looks like, this look Uh
Just be a hip-hop kid
Be a hip-hop kid just like you
Be a hip-hop kid
Just be a hip-hop kid
Be a hip-hop kid just like you
Be a hip-hop kid

Writer(s): Guo Jun Yang Aka Gordon

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