國蛋 - 紐約鄰居 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 國蛋 - 紐約鄰居

New York Neighbor
還記得他們住3C 就在我們的斜對面
I remember when they lived in Apartment 3C Right across the hall from us
都還稱不上是關係 只有在電梯間碰見
We weren't really friends We just saw each other in the elevator
分享頭頂上的班機 分享冷熱像是淬煉
Sharing the overhead planes Sharing the cold and the heat as it sustains
皇后區氛圍不單一 為此也做些許貢獻
Adding to the diverse Queens atmosphere
他叫做Eric或者是Derrick 從來沒有跟他說過話
His name was Eric or maybe Derrick I never really talked to him
眼神堅定像沒說過怕 他家傳來笑聲多過罵
His gaze was strong like he had nothing to fear His home had more laughter than jeers
一些符號在書包上 我賭他身上沒刀棒
There were symbols on his backpack I bet he didn't carry a knife
尼克比賽夜都高亢 室溫依賴情緒高漲
He was loud on Knicks game nights His mood dependent on the highs
而他不該被左右牽絆 當時正值青春歲數
And he shouldn't have been swayed by left and right He was in the prime of his youth
而我正邁入新階段變換 太過陌生像不曾接觸
While I was entering a new unfamiliar phase Like I'd never experienced before
要是掉下新麻煩添亂 懷疑能否輕鬆接住
If trouble came knocking again I doubted I could handle it
人算不了得麻煩天算 那我寧可選擇不揭露
Man proposes God disposes I'd rather not know
那公寓好小又好老好舊 內外的紅磚頭傷痕遍佈
That apartment was small and old and worn The exposed brick inside and out was torn
住滿了男女老幼的 也有想chill的 展現了不同面目
It housed men women and children Some might have wanted to chill and fit in
到了那層 表情像對他說"stay in school"
When I got to his floor I looked at him like "stay in school"
黑人小孩 紐約口音 他像 "staying cool B staying true homie"
The young Black kid with a New York accent He was like "staying cool B staying true homie"
喔我的紐約鄰居 在那住了多久 裝載他們的所有
Oh my New York neighbor How long did they live there Keeping all their belongings in place
喔我的紐約鄰居 忍受打翻的苦酒 沿著牆面往外腐朽
Oh my New York neighbor Enduring the bitter aftermath As it seeps out the walls and decays
喔我的紐約鄰居 抱歉了音樂像左手 悄悄把靈魂奪走
Oh my New York neighbor I'm sorry that music like a left-handed thief Stole your soul away
喔我的紐約鄰居 喔我的紐約鄰居
Oh my New York neighbor Oh my New York neighbor
有次妳遇到他媽媽 印象中妳像是這麼說
You told me once you met his mother I think that's what you said
外表肯定經過風霜 比我們想的還多得多
Her appearance weathered more storms Than we could ever imagine
一路上不同的陷阱 有的還脫了得讓人摸
There are different traps all along the way Some you have to duck and dodge
角色像勵志的電影 劇情太真實卻不能播
Their story is like an inspiring movie The plot is too real to air
房租和帳單都好貴 買雙球鞋也被打稅
The rent and the bills are so high The tax hits hard when you buy some sneakers
心情跟這城市好配 問自己 " 請問你哪位 "
My emotions match this city's vibe I ask myself "Who are you?"
妳說你們也沒說話 陌生的樣子就像是飄過
You said you never spoke to each other Your strangeness passed by like a ghost
但接力點亮了 一點微亮的光線那多虧了作息交錯
But the relay lit up A small glimmer of light Thanks to our different schedules
快半夜那地鐵夜班 我後悔為什麼讓妳哭呢
Around midnight that subway night shift I regret making you cry
斷片的的灰姑娘回憶片段 掉了高跟鞋但掉在Uber
A fragmented Cinderella memory The glass slipper fell out of the Uber
爭吵的方式像拳擊 你一拳我一拳是誰輸了
Our arguments were like boxing matches We threw punches back and forth until someone lost
還在乎嗎這種問題 答案最怕對方不在乎了
Does it still matter Who cares? I'm most afraid of the other person not caring
迷濛以為近視加深度數 綠色的門隔著家家戶戶
Myopia made the haze seem worse The green door separated every home
It couldn't block out the yelling or the stomping or the many other noises
Thanksgiving had just passed Christmas wasn't here yet
我也遇到她那眼神看著我的姿勢像man you trippin'
I ran into her too She looked at me like "man you trippin'"
喔我的紐約鄰居 在那住了多久 裝載他們的所有
Oh my New York neighbor How long did they live there Keeping all their belongings in place
喔我的紐約鄰居 忍受打翻的苦酒 沿著牆面往外腐朽
Oh my New York neighbor Enduring the bitter aftermath As it seeps out the walls and decays
喔我的紐約鄰居 抱歉了音樂像左手 悄悄把靈魂奪走
Oh my New York neighbor I'm sorry that music like a left-handed thief Stole your soul away
喔我的紐約鄰居 喔我的紐約鄰居
Oh my New York neighbor Oh my New York neighbor
The morning before they moved out
A man came and rang my doorbell
He said he represented their family
His face didn't look like a cop's
His teeth were as white as soap
說對面住著他兒子和baby mama
He said that his son and baby mama lived across the hall
But he smelled a certain odor
Like the smoke was too thick for him to handle
I guess he was there as a father figure
Trying to teach me a lesson
I braced myself for a beating
Or one last argument
But he said he had some pure product
悶騷的挑逗 我要不要嚐嚐
A seductive temptation Did I want to try it
I rubbed my eyes Am I hearing this right?
Don't jump to conclusions
說到他出身自Brooklyn, 從小開始就搞運輸
He said he came from Brooklyn Started doing deliveries when he was young
He had kids so he left the streets because there was too much jealousy and no way out
當個父親不求兒子接手 只求在家比在外面幸福
He became a father He didn't want his son to follow in his footsteps He just wanted him to be happier at home than he was on the outside
但是當時的我還不太懂 只求能夠讓我藥到病除
But at the time I didn't understand I just wanted something to cure my sickness
讓風吹氣體分散 說他家全體都稱讚
Let the wind spread the gas He said his whole family agreed
Let the wind carry it far and wide It almost made me laugh
後來你說早就看過他 就在剛搬來的時候
You told me later that you had seen him before When we had first moved in
但我們必須得走了我笑著對著你說 time to roll
But we had to go I smiled at you and said "time to roll"
喔我的紐約鄰居 在那住了多久 裝載他們的所有
Oh my New York neighbor How long did they live there Keeping all their belongings in place
喔我的紐約鄰居 忍受打翻的苦酒 沿著牆面往外腐朽
Oh my New York neighbor Enduring the bitter aftermath As it seeps out the walls and decays
喔我的紐約鄰居 抱歉了音樂像左手 悄悄把靈魂奪走
Oh my New York neighbor I'm sorry that music like a left-handed thief Stole your soul away
喔我的紐約鄰居 喔我的紐約鄰居
Oh my New York neighbor Oh my New York neighbor

Writer(s): Guo Jun Yang Aka Gordon

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