夏之禹 - 最后的街头 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 夏之禹 - 最后的街头

The Last Block
It is not a deal made with a pen and a desk in an office building
It is an area in which the offices are not present
长辈们没几个会写字 所以都期冀着
Not many of our elders know how to write, so they all hope that
we have a culture
但我们的规则里 想要得到别人尊敬
But in our regulations, the way to gain respect from others
was how much our bodies suffered of wounds and sickness
and we mocked those pussies
就像Rabbi嘲笑Doc Papa有个美满的家庭
just as Rabbi mocks Doc Papa for having a happy family
Pussy from the suburbs
We also hate those on television
those plastic rappers screaming plastic brotherhood
Those who spew diarrhea should take an Imodium
Every single sound they toss seems like a moan
花瓶 你的生活 根本不在丛林 holy
You are a poser, your life is not in the jungle, holy
There is no modern civilization on the real streets
宽大的logo运动套装 戴gold chain
Loose designer sports suits and gold chains
全世界所有真的匪帮 same shit
All the real gangs are the same shit all over the world
We run this block
We run this block
Born to the streets I will die on the streets
The camera
The camera
Cannot capture the corners
是外面的人永远无法理解的灰色 no lie
The outside world could never comprehend this gray area no lie
Real talk it's real talk
Real talk it's real talk
Any amount of money is insignificant to me
I have never been to the big cities
The animals who rule this jungle
在这里并不容易饿死 但也绝对不富
It is not easy to starve here, but I am not rich
Fashion trends cannot enter those alleyways
Cars come to the alleys but they get stuck
消防和医疗救护 根本无法及时给予援助
Fire fighters and medical care cannot come in time
Three thousand dollars and you can drop the charges
山高皇帝远得 私了已经成了风俗
Out of sight killing has become our custom
Deception and threats will extinguish the winds
人都已经没了 不如拿钱改善生活 for real
He is dead, better to improve our lives for real
For those families with five or six kids
少了一个两个 真的不会太过伤心
Losing one or two is not a serious loss
Move that shit 警笛一叫 先别慌
Move that shit The minute the siren wails do not panic
不用怕光 它照不亮我最熟悉的深巷
Do not fear the light, it cannot expose my familiar alley
血水泥汤 黏住鞋底用力才能移动
Blood, mud, and soup I have to use force to remove them from my shoes
小心别伤 路边蟑螂老鼠臭虫
Be careful not to harm the cockroaches, rats, and bedbugs
是陪我长大的伙伴 你最好给点尊重
They are my childhood friends, you better respect them
在这里只有法则 从来不信春梦
Here we only recognize the law, we do not believe in pipe dreams
We run this block
We run this block
Born to the streets I will die on the streets
The camera
The camera
Cannot capture the corners
是外面的人永远无法理解的灰色 no lie
The outside world could never comprehend this gray area no lie
Real talk it's real talk
Real talk it's real talk
Any amount of money is insignificant to me
I have never been to the big cities
The animals who rule this jungle

Writer(s): 夏之禹

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