孫子涵 feat. 李瀟瀟 - 全世界宣佈愛你 - traduction des paroles en anglais

全世界宣佈愛你 - 孫子涵 traduction en anglais

I Announce My Love for You to the World
在躲過雨的香樟樹下等你 在天橋上的轉角擦肩而遇
I wait for you under the camphor tree that has sheltered you from the rain. I bump into you at the turn of the bridge.
I create opportunities for us to meet by chance, which gradually accumulate.
終於可以牽你的手 保護你
I can finally hold your hand, protect you.
有你的地方就格外的清新 想著你我的嘴角都會揚起
With you, everything is so wonderfully fresh. Just thinking of you fills me with joy.
傾城的輪廓 沾滿我的憧憬
Your beautiful silhouette inspires me.
天空都變透明 聽到你的親口允許
The sky seems clearer now that you have given me your permission.
對全世界宣佈愛你 我只想和你在一起
I tell the world that I love you. I only want to be with you.
這顆心 沒畏懼 太堅定 慶幸讓我能夠遇見你
My heart is fearless and determined. I am so lucky to have met you.
就算全世界都否定 我也要跟你在一起
Even if the whole world disapproves, I will still be with you.
想牽手 想擁抱 想愛你 天崩地裂也要在一起
I want to hold your hand, hug you, love you. I want to be with you even if the world ends.

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