宋雪莱 - 打工四季 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 宋雪莱 - 打工四季

Working all Seasons
春季里来百花香 出门打工离家乡
In springtime, flowers are coming to bloom, it's time to leave home to look for a job
告别乡亲们和爹娘啊 告别心上好姑娘
I bid farewell to my family and my sweetheart, and set off to the distant south
趴了火车又挤汽车呀 千里到南方
I hopped on a train, squeezed onto a bus, and traveled a thousand miles to the south
I am a stranger in a strange land
夏季里来热太阳 为着工作奔波忙
In summer, the sun blazes hot, and I toil hard for my job
求亲拖友又找老乡啊 跑断腿来饿断肠
I beg for help from my relatives and friends, and I run my legs off until I'm starving
总算找到了一份工呀 苦累都不讲
Finally, I found a job, and I work hard without complaint
Sweat pours down my face
秋季里来秋风凉 中秋之夜想亲娘
In autumn, the autumn wind is cool, and on the Mid-Autumn Festival, I think of my mother
打个电话是两头哭啊 酸甜苦辣涌心上
I make a phone call, and we both cry, my heart is filled with mixed emotions
勤学苦干我不偷懒哪 做人要有志向
I study hard and work hard, I will not be lazy, I must be ambitious
Only then will I succeed
冬季里来雪花扬 满载而归回家乡
In winter, the snow falls heavily, and I return home laden with gifts
见识广来本领强啊 要让家乡换新装
I have seen the world and gained skills, and I will help my hometown change for the better
爹娘开心姑娘笑呀 乡亲们都羡慕
My parents are happy, my sweetheart smiles, and my friends are envious
I am a changed man

Writer(s): 佚名, 颂今

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