小宇-宋念宇 - 見好就放 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 小宇-宋念宇 - 見好就放

Quit When Things Are Good
我的理想 是有一道牆 高得滄桑
My ideal is to have a wall tall like the sea.
不需要開窗 如果有陽光 我會失望
I don't need windows. If there was sunshine, I'd be disappointed.
常常幻想 冰塊發燙
I often fantasize about ice cubes scalding.
為什麼翅膀 必須飛翔
Why do wings have to fly?
影子拉長 都怪夕陽 只會幫倒忙
My shadow grows longer. It's all the setting sun's fault. It's always getting in the way.
見好就放 不用迷惘
Quit when things are good, no need to be confused.
我只想 忙著成長 才叫健康
I just want to be busy growing. That's what it means to be healthy.
在傷言傷 我能抵抗
I can resist hurtful words.
讓時光 替我宣揚 完美的主張
Let time spread my perfect philosophy.
還有個夢想 是隨時整裝 扛起天堂
I have another dream. I'm always getting ready to carry paradise on my shoulders.
每天起床 我就忘光
I forget about it as soon as I wake up each day.
其實太正常 才不正常
Actually, it's more abnormal to be normal.
放棄堅強 不想偽裝 讓痛苦漫長
I give up on being strong. I don't want to pretend. Let the pain linger.
答非所想 一如往常
The answer doesn't make sense, like always.
下一秒就讓 絕望激昂
The next second, despair gets me excited.
也許妄想 終生流浪 也算善良
Maybe it's wishful thinking to spend my whole life wandering, but it's still kind.
見好就放 不用迷惘
Quit when things are good, no need to be confused.
我只想 忙著成長 才叫健康
I just want to be busy growing. That's what it means to be healthy.
在傷言傷 我能抵抗
I can resist hurtful words.
讓時光替我宣揚 多堅強
Let time proclaim how strong I am.
見好就放 不用迷惘
Quit when things are good, no need to be confused.
我在想 這世界上 沒有渺茫
I wonder if there's anything insignificant in this world.
見好就放 誰怕迷惘
Quit when things are good, who's afraid of confusion?
那光芒 不在遠方 就在我身上
That light isn't far away. It's inside me.

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