尹光 feat. 胡美儀 - 新光棍姻緣 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 尹光 feat. 胡美儀 - 新光棍姻緣

New Bachelor's Marriage
擔番口大雪茄咋 充生晒認係經理
I'm holding a big cigar, pretending to be a manager
撈世界就要醒目 我一於當玩把戲咋
To survive in this world, you need to be smart, I'm just playing a trick
著起西裝革履 USA 歐西美
Wearing a suit and leather shoes, USA, Europe and America
喂喂我實在無乜聲氣架 完全係靠滾
Hey, hey, I actually have no voice, I rely entirely on swindling
I completely depend on being a swindler
剛啱有隻大鷓鴣 嘩肥就確係肥
Just now, I met a big fat bird, wow, she's truly plump
She even invited me to watch a play tonight
(鄙人尹光 講起我就衰
(I'm Yin Guang, speaking of which, I'm a failure
乜都唔曉做 但係我有樣嘢叻 我識得滾
I don't know how to do anything, but I'm good at one thing, I know how to swindle
哼哼 今次就畀我滾到一個靚女 佢叫做露絲喎哈哈哈
Humph, this time, I'm going to swindle a beautiful woman, her name is Rose, hahaha
犀利囉 打開個荷包 張張都係金牛喎
Awesome, opening my wallet, every bill is a gold coin
She even invited me to watch a play tonight
好等我落足嘴頭 釣返條大魚至得)
Good, I'll put on my best charm and catch a big fish, that's the plan)
老襯何妨要多撳 我都好少理嘞
There's no harm in having more suckers, I don't care much
猛拋啲生藕 係都要攞便宜
Keep throwing out some sweet nothings, gotta take advantage
近日有隻肥羊 佢話住響跑馬地喎
Recently, I met a fat sheep, she said she lives in Happy Valley
佢話佢響銀行 自己揸大旗
She said she works at the bank, she's the big boss herself
(我個名叫做Lucy呀 為咗養阿媽就逼住出嚟搵食啦
(My name is Lucy, I have to work to support my mom
Luckily, I bumped into the bank manager today
He even invited me to watch a play tonight
Ha, I wonder if he's here yet)
(Hello Lucy)
(Hi 光哥)
(Hi Guang)
(嘩乜你咁耐先嚟架 等到我頸又長腳都痺咯)
(Wow, why did you take so long? I'm waiting till my neck is long and my legs are numb)
(I had to dress up to look good in front of you
點唧 我著件衫靚唔靚唧)
What do you think? Does this dress look nice?)
(嘩 唔淨止話件衫靚 你條腰仲靚呀)
(Wow, not only is the dress nice, your waist is even nicer)
Wow, you're as graceful as Sophia Loren
And you resemble Brigitte Bardot
佛見到都會起大痰 啲花靚仔想到心爛
Buddha would choke on his saliva, those flowers are beautiful beyond compare
嫩坑中坑都無限 No money都一概斬纜
Young and old, all are captivated, no money, I cut all ties
我係大闊佬 派架雪佛蘭
I'm a big spender, I drive a Chevrolet
Carrying at least tens of thousands of US dollars
講到伴女仔 好似加利格蘭 心郁郁想錫一啖
When it comes to dating, I'm like Cary Grant, can't help but want to kiss you
慢慢吖 先生
Slow down, sir
我梗會辦 飲杯先啦 兼吔餐飯
Of course I'll do it, let's have a drink first and then have dinner
(睇完戲食飯都未遲 呢套戲好好睇架
(It's not too late for dinner after the play, this play is really good
你睇幾逼人 等我買飛嘞)
Look how crowded it is, let me buy the tickets)
(唉 等我買啦)
(Hey, let me buy them)
(等我啦 你張張金牛 人地無得贖架 我有廿蚊散紙吖嘛)
(Wait for me, you've got gold coins, they can't redeem it, I have 20 yuan in loose change)
(噢 我識人呀 你畀廿蚊我等我買啦)
(Oh, I know people, give me 20 yuan, let me buy them)
(好 好呀好呀)
(Okay, okay, okay)
(Then wait for me)
(Then you come back quickly)
(我梗返嚟 唔駛慌嘞你)
(Of course I'll come back, don't worry)
(嘩去成個幾兩個鐘都未返嚟嘅 唔通光棍遇着無皮柴
(Wow, it's been a couple of hours and he still hasn't come back, maybe the swindler met a pauper
慘嘞 我嗰廿皮 唉幾大都搵佢返嚟至得)
Poor me, my 20 yuan, I have to get it back)
(喂 仲唔搵到你 哈)
(Hey, you still haven't come back, ha)
唏原來大棍騙 真激氣 我差啲就比你氣死
Sigh, so the big swindler is a real con artist, so annoying, I almost died of anger
無謂亂碰我 真好笑嘞 我根本不識你噃
Don't mess with me, this is funny, I don't even know you
你想棍騙老千哥 膽包天不怕死咩
You want to swindle a con artist, you're so bold, aren't you afraid of death?
如若亂碰我 我高聲嗌架 你嗰陣就一身蟻嘞
If you mess with me, I'll shout, you'll be covered in ants
(If you dare shout, I'll beat you up)
(哎吔咩唔敢呀非禮呀 非禮呀)
(Hey, hey, what, you don't dare? Sexual harassment! Sexual harassment!)
(你唔好嗌 怕你啦)
(Don't shout, I'm afraid of you)
喂唔好嗌啦 唔好嗌
Hey, don't shout, don't shout
You've already swindled all my money
嗰廿皮係我嘅擋箭牌 碰啱你個無皮柴
Those 20 yuan were my shield, I met you, a pauper
我就寧願將肚餓捱 時時把萬壽拜
I'd rather endure hunger, always worship the longevity deity
Pauper meets a con artist, really frustrating
This is perfect, we're a perfect match
喂點解 你為何要扮企街唧
Hey, why, why do you pretend to be a prostitute?
梗有理由 我為慈母逼要捱
Of course there's a reason, I have to work to support my mother
Sigh, my stomach hurts now
I'll take you back and cure your stomach
(Is that so)
That makes perfect sense
你真係良心不欺 良心不欺
You're really a good person, a good person
Brothers in arms, truly true friends
我又何必相欺啫 何必相欺
Why would I deceive you? Why deceive you?
Brothers in arms should be open with each other
It's a true waste of time to meet someone like you
Swindling is against the law
係呀 一於回頭不幹 我哋結知己啦
Yes, I'll turn over a new leaf, let's be true friends
Let's be good friends
Maybe you have true loyalty for me
我哋同諧鴛侶 你同我畫眼眉
Let's become a couple, you and I will draw eyebrows for each other
一於同諧鴛侶 相愛不相欺
Let's become a couple, love each other and never betray each other

Writer(s): 潘一帆

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