Spring breeze tavern is to the south and then to the east. Soon we will be at the Pacific ocean.
那有個被遺忘的小村莊 村子裡住著一加三個爺
There is a forgotten small village. In the village lives one plus three old men.
爺們最喜歡的是過年 每一年的節目雖然都不改變
The old men's favorite thing is the new year. The program for each year never changes.
但是春晚裡漂亮的姑娘 哪個人會不喜歡
But who doesn't like the beautiful women on the Spring Festival Gala?
本來想要學魔術 可是沒錢又覺得太難
Actually they wanted to learn magic, but it is difficult and costs money.
想來想去最實在的是 到處去參加唱歌比賽
After thinking and thinking, the most practical thing is to sing in competitions everywhere.
村裡的人都知道 爺們的目標是上春晚
Everybody in the village knows that the old men's goal is to be on the Spring Festival Gala.
上了春晚 揚名天下 衣錦還鄉 泡個姑娘帶她回故鄉
If we are on the Spring Festival Gala, we will become famous. We will return home with great wealth and a beautiful woman and take her back to our hometown.
我會唱歌 我會跳舞 美化了我們的社會
I can sing, I can dance, I contribute to our cultural beauty.
我會唱歌 我會跳舞 還有懂的甚麼叫藝術 啦啦啦
I can sing, I can dance, I even understand what art is. La la la.
有完沒完 啦啦啦
Are you finished? La la la.
轉了三天的公交車向西又向北 好不容易到了電視台
After three days on the bus, traveling west and then north, we finally made it to the TV station.
門口有一個被尊敬的大爺 指揮著人們在排隊
At the door was a respected old man. He is directing people in the queue.
我們不要歌唱 只要變魔術
We don't want to sing, we just want to perform magic.
I said singing can make our culture beautiful.
魔術好玩 可以把你們這些鄉巴佬都變不見
Magic show is fun. It can make all you bumpkins disappear.
本來想要學當官 可是沒錢又覺得太難
Actually they wanted to be officials, but it is difficult and costs money.
想來想去最實在的是 抓緊練歌上春晚
After thinking and thinking, the most practical thing is to practice singing and be on the Spring Festival Gala.
排隊的人都知道 大爺手中有彩色的黑名單
Everybody in the queue knows that the old man has a colorful blacklist.
上了春晚 有了名堂 泡個姑娘帶她回故鄉
If we are on the Spring Festival Gala, we will become famous. We will return home with great wealth and a beautiful woman and take her back to our hometown.
我會唱歌 我會跳舞 美化了我們的社會
I can sing, I can dance, I contribute to our cultural beauty.
我會唱歌 我會跳舞 就是不愛乖乖的排隊
I can sing, I can dance, but I am not a fan of queueing up.
La la la la la.
我要上春晚 啦啦啦啦啦
I want to be on the Spring Festival Gala. La la la la la.
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