巴奈 - Pacific Wind - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 巴奈 - Pacific Wind

Pacific Wind
Pacific Wind
最早的一件衣裳 最早的一片呼喚
First piece of clothing, first cry for life
最早的一個故鄉 最早的一件往事
First home, first story to be shared
是太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過所有的全部
It's the Pacific wind gently blowing, blowing through everything
裸裎赤子 呱呱落地的披風
A naked child, a warm blanket
絲絲若息 油油然的生機
A tender breeze, a growing life
吹過了多少人的臉頰 才吹上了我的
It has touched so many faces before it touched mine
The Pacific wind has been blowing
First feeling of the world
First world I felt
舞影婆娑 在遼闊無際的海洋
Waving in the vast ocean
攀落滑動 在千古的峰臺和平野
Climbing peaks, gliding across valleys and plains
吹上山吹落山 吹進了美麗的山谷
Blowing up and down mountains, moving through beautiful valleys
The Pacific wind has been blowing
First mother's touch
First awakening
吹動無數的孤兒船帆 領進了寧靜的港灣
It guides orphaned ships, leading them to peaceful harbors
穿梭著美麗的海峽上 吹上延綿無窮的海岸
Traveling across beautiful straits, blowing along endless shores
吹著你 吹著我 吹生命草原的歌啊
Touching you and me, singing the song of grasslands
The Pacific wind has been blowing
First feeling of peace
First peace I felt
吹散迷漫的帝國霸氣 吹生出壯麗的椰子國度
Dispersing the mist of imperial power, creating magnificent coconut groves
漂夾著南島的氣息 那是自然 尊貴 而豐盛
Carrying the spirit of the Southern Isles, natural, noble, and abundant
吹落斑斑的帝國旗幟 吹生出我們的檳榔樹葉
Bringing down the flags of empire, raising our betel nut trees
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
Carrying the fragrance of magnolia flowers, entering our villages
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
Carrying the fragrance of magnolia flowers, entering our villages
Opening my favorite window
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
When the Pacific wind gently blows, bringing true peace
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
When the Pacific wind gently blows, bringing true peace
First feeling
First world

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