平井 堅 - Ahiru - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 平井 堅 - Ahiru

You laughed and said, "You're like a duck that can't fly."
自分を責めては ため息
I blamed myself and sighed.
いつものように きつい言葉 投げても
As always, you hurled harsh words at me,
沈黙の返事 辛くて
And your silent response was painful.
夢を語っては 励まし合ってた
We used to share our dreams and encourage each other.
かえらない日々は 輝く
Those irreplaceable days shone brightly.
新しい扉 開けるたびにいつも
With every new door we opened,
故郷のように 優しかった
You were like a home to me, a place where I could be myself.
You often say, "Those were the good old days."
You try to make everything easier.
But if we just wallow in the lukewarm bath of nostalgia,
浸かってばかりじゃ 前には進めないよ
We'll never move forward.
DucKs Can Fly In The Sky
Ducks can fly in the sky.
僕らは 心に 同じ宝物を持ってる
In our hearts, we hold the same treasure.
今はもう あの頃みたいに 毎晩飲み明かせないけど
We may not be able to stay up all night drinking like we used to,
振り向けば変わらずにいること 忘れないで
But just know that if you look back, I'll still be there.
忙しさの中 落としてしまうもの
In the rush of life, there are things we lose.
ないとは言えない 誰でも
It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's human nature.
1人じゃないこと どうにか伝えたくて
I want to let you know that you're not alone.
受話器持つ手が 熱くなる
My hands tremble as I pick up the phone.
いつだって 悩みがちなとこ
You've always been prone to worry,
But there's no need to feel embarrassed about it.
何よりも 自分の気持ち
The most important thing is your own feelings.
真っ直ぐ見ている 証拠だと思うから
I think it's a sign that you're being honest with yourself.
DucKs Can Fly In The Sky
Ducks can fly in the sky.
飛べない 自分も 仲良く付き合っていきたい
I want to accept even the part of me that can't fly.
時々は 止まって見上げて 雲の流れを確かめよう
Sometimes, it's okay to stop and look up at the clouds.
訳ありな話でも 最後は笑っている
Even when our stories have their complications, we always end up laughing.
DucKsCan Fly In The Sky
Ducks can fly in the sky.
飛べない アヒルも 心は空を翔(はばた)いてる
Even a flightless duck can soar through the sky in its heart.
これからも 変わらず悩んで ぶつかってばかりの僕等さ
Even though we'll continue to struggle, worry, and collide, that's who we are.
DucKs Can Fly In The Sky
Ducks can fly in the sky.
僕らは 心に 同じ宝物を持っている
In our hearts, we hold the same treasure.
今はもう あの頃みたいに 毎晩飲み明かせないけど
We may not be able to stay up all night drinking like we used to,
振り向けば変わらずにいること 忘れないで
But just know that if you look back, I'll still be there.

Writer(s): 平井 堅, 平井 堅

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