A-Mei Chang - 快樂眼淚 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction A-Mei Chang - 快樂眼淚

Tears of Joy
看著你久違卻 熟悉的臉龐
Looking at your long-lost but familiar face,
那些煙遠往事 畫上了圓滿
The lingering mists of the past have come full circle,
因為你快變成 別人的新郎
Because you are soon to become someone else's groom,
你終身的對象 一定很理想
The lifelong companion you have chosen must be ideal,
否則你又何必 終止糾纏
Otherwise, why would you end our entanglement?
只好微笑祝福 你們的浪漫
I can only smile and wish you well in your romance,
我終於變得不多愁善感 回憶還像心跳那麼難忘
I have finally learned to be less sentimental, but the memories are still as unforgettable as a heartbeat.
擁抱的熱 還留在我們的身上
The warmth of our embrace still lingers,
But fate cannot be defied.
愛人不變朋友實在太難 希望離別能讓以後
It is too difficult to remain friends when love is no more; I hope that our parting will allow us to find,
更快樂 更幸福 更美滿
Greater joy, greater happiness, and greater fulfillment in the future.
漫長路上妳幫我背的行囊 因為有你的汗變成珍藏
The burdens you helped me carry along the long road, have become precious treasures because of your sweat.
我給你的補償 是為你打扮
I offer you my apologies in the form of this dress.
我終於變得不多愁善感 回憶還像心跳那麼難忘
I have finally learned to be less sentimental, but the memories are still as unforgettable as a heartbeat.
擁抱的熱 還留在我們的身上
The warmth of our embrace still lingers,
But fate cannot be defied.
愛人不變朋友實在太難 希望離別能讓以後
It is too difficult to remain friends when love is no more; I hope that our parting will allow us to find,
更快樂 更幸福 更美滿
Greater joy, greater happiness, and greater fulfillment in the future.
那次大雨中下班 你拿一把雨傘
That time in the pouring rain when you left work, you took an umbrella,
來接我 想起來 難免傷感
To come pick me up. It is poignant to recall,
感謝你愛我一場 難得敘舊笑談 依然溫暖
I am grateful that you loved me for a while; it is rare to catch up and laugh together, and it is still warm.
有浪漫 沒緣分 總不算遺憾 Oh
There was romance, but no fate, so I suppose there are no regrets. Oh,
我終於變得不多愁善感 回憶還像心跳那麼難忘
I have finally learned to be less sentimental, but the memories are still as unforgettable as a heartbeat.
擁抱的熱 還留在我們的身上
The warmth of our embrace still lingers,
But fate cannot be defied.
愛人不變朋友實在太難 希望離別能讓以後
It is too difficult to remain friends when love is no more; I hope that our parting will allow us to find,
更快樂 更幸福 更美滿
Greater joy, greater happiness, and greater fulfillment in the future.
我快樂 的眼淚 在流轉
My tears of joy are flowing.

Writer(s): Yang Yang

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