張韶涵 - 天分 (電視劇《我的奇妙男友2之戀戀不忘》主題曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 張韶涵 - 天分 (電視劇《我的奇妙男友2之戀戀不忘》主題曲)

天分 (電視劇《我的奇妙男友2之戀戀不忘》主題曲)
Talent (Theme Song for the TV Series "My Amazing Boyfriend 2: Lost Memories")
週末的夜風 微冷
The weekend breeze is a bit chilly,
手心還殘留 餘溫
My palm still has some lingering warmth,
上一秒 還是戀人的 身份
Just a moment ago, we were lovers,
Now, some things are impossible.
From familiarity to strangeness,
Only one step in the process.
眼角微濕的 淚痕
Tears well up in the corners of my eyes,
表情藏不住 心疼
My expression can't hide my heartache,
寂寞併吞 下手毫無分寸
Loneliness swallows me whole
一個人 靜得只剩下心跳聲
I'm all alone, only the sound of my heartbeat remains.
That thin warmth,
Let's not talk about it anymore.
原來愛上你真的需要 天分
It turns out that falling in love with you requires talent,
你就不要再浪費多少 餘生 去等
So don't waste any more of your life waiting.
Please don't pretend you're serious now.
You punish my honesty with tears.
這眼神 溫柔而又殘忍
Your eyes are gentle yet cruel,
原諒我真的沒有什麼 天分
Forgive me, I really don't have any talent.
卻再也拼湊不出最後 完整 部分
But I can't piece together the last missing part.
Memories always speak in a familiar tone,
Reminding us of our former eternity.
有些人 卻還在腦海裡 繼續浮沉
Some people, still floating in my mind.
眼角微濕的 淚痕
Tears well up in the corners of my eyes,
表情藏不住 心疼
My expression can't hide my heartache,
寂寞併吞 下手毫無分寸
Loneliness swallows me whole
一個人 靜得只剩下心跳聲
I'm all alone, only the sound of my heartbeat remains.
This story is like a script,
We're too caught up in the act.
原來愛上你真的需要 天分
It turns out that falling in love with you requires talent,
你就不要再浪費多少 餘生 去等
So don't waste any more of your life waiting.
Please don't pretend you're serious now.
You punish my honesty with tears,
誰強忍 假裝轉身
Who can bear to turn away?
原諒我真的沒有什麼 天分
Forgive me, I really don't have any talent.
最後你也終於用無聲 承認
Finally, you admit it silently.
Memories always speak in a familiar tone,
Reminding us of our former eternity,
不捨得 醒過來是因為 夢太安穩
I can't wake up, because the dream is too peaceful.

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