張文綺 - 戀愛密碼 (國) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 張文綺 - 戀愛密碼 (國)

戀愛密碼 (國)
Love Code (International)
你聽時鐘滴滴答答 一分一秒都在掙扎
You hear the clock ticking away, every second is a struggle
這條路口交叉分岔 來往的人絲毫無差
At this crossroads, people come and go, and nothing seems to matter
直到第一次遇見那天變成焦點 問一問你可不可以再靠近一些
Until the day we first met, you became the center of my world, I asked if I could get a little closer
解開你的行蹤密碼 哪怕需要加快步伐
Unraveling the code of your whereabouts, even if I have to quicken my pace
收集你的電話號碼 一直不敢撥通一下
Gathering your phone number, but not daring to dial it
心動是需要大膽做代價戀愛才能夠出發 傳出的訊號才能到達
To be moved requires a courageous act, only then can love begin, only then can the signal be sent
每個人說起愛來 都感慨浪漫無限
Everyone talks about love, how infinitely romantic it is
我期待我們之間 也會有奇妙情節
I hope there will be a wonderful story between us
故意讓你去發現 我貼在你的後面
I deliberately let you discover that I was following you
直覺告訴我不能鬆懈 你也有感覺
My intuition tells me not to relax, that you feel it too
慌慌張張 不懂面對心的想法
Flustered, unsure how to face the thoughts of my heart
還是堅持默默等待 某一天幸福的爆炸
Still, I will wait silently, for the day when happiness explodes
一直在懷疑你會不會總打噴嚏 那是我想你的證明
I keep wondering if you will keep sneezing, for that is the proof that I am thinking of you

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