張磊 - 文藝少年 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 張磊 - 文藝少年

Literary Boy
Zhang Lei
Literary Boy
Emotional Theme Song for TV Series: "The Love Practitioner"
風在寫詩 雲在宣誓
The wind writes poetry, the clouds take an oath
怯怯的成人禮 感傷都在日記
A shy coming of age ritual, my emotions are all in my diary
年少太粗心 胡亂地細膩
I was too immature as a teenager, and paid excessive attention to details
你眼中的小事 隆重了我的夏季
The seemingly small things in your eyes, made my summer bustling
校園戀曲 打著啞謎
School romance, acting dumb
青春的壯舉 是獨享秘密
The heroic feat of youth is keeping secrets to oneself
你懷抱的心事 我將它換作自己
I will turn your worries that you hide in your heart into my own
一整月的積蓄 都花在深呼吸
I have spent a whole month's savings on practicing my breathing
想等最好時機 一口氣告訴你
Waiting for the best moment to tell you everything in one breath
那時候的心意 難說出金句
My feelings at that time were hard to utter into gold sentences
直到你遙不可及 才如常關心
Not until I could no longer reach you did I start to care about you as usual
純白裙衣 梨花帶雨
A pure white dress, pear blossoms in the rain
後來時常惦記 疼不到的你
Later, I often miss you, the you that I couldn't reach
甜甜的假期 酸酸地開啟
The sweet vacation started with a sour taste
準備好'喜歡你' 卻被誰搶先演繹
I was ready to say 'I like you,' but someone else stole my thunder
浪漫主義 不切實際
Romanticism is impractical
以為愛是看似 粗俗的東西
I thought love was a seemingly vulgar thing
陪伴是過去 最美的失意
Accompanying you in the past was my most beautiful disappointment
卻在各奔東西時 擔心著未來的你
Yet, as we were drifting away from each other, I was worried about your future
一整月的積蓄 都花在深呼吸
I have spent a whole month's savings on practicing my breathing
想等最好時機 一口氣告訴你
Waiting for the best moment to tell you everything in one breath
那時候的心意 難說出金句
My feelings at that time were hard to utter into gold sentences
直到你遙不可及 才如常關心
Not until I could no longer reach you did I start to care about you as usual
多少年的記憶 已被鎖進抽屜
So many years of memories have been locked in the drawer
用遲到的勇氣 收藏我的真心
Using my belated courage, I will keep my sincerity
謝謝你曾回應 朦朧的光陰
Thank you for responding to me in the hazy years
讓這遺憾的結局 對得起曾經
Making this regretful ending worthy of the past
'嘿 我喜歡你'
'Hey, I love you.'

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