彭羚 - 追憶 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 彭羚 - 追憶

記得係好多年前嘅夏天 太陽特別熱
I remember it was a summer many years ago, the sun was especially hot.
我嘅頭髮好長 皮膚好黑 人好瘦 但係就好高
My hair was long, my skin was dark, I was thin but very tall.
不過嗰年暑假之後 我就再冇高過啦
But after that summer vacation, I never grew taller.
我仲記得 我成日去遊水嘅海灘 第一個追我嘅男同學
I still remember that beach where I used to go swimming, the first boy who chased me in high school,
永遠係廚房嘅媽咪 同埋好多嘢講嘅daddy
my mother who was always in the kitchen, and my father who had so much to say.
I was eleven that year.
童年在那泥路裡伸頸看 一對耍把戲藝人
In my childhood, I stretched my neck to watch a pair of entertainers performing on a dirt road.
搖動木偶令到他打筋鬥 使我開心拍著手
They swung a puppet to make it somersault, and I clapped my hands with delight.
然而待戲班離去之後我問 為何木偶不留低一絲足印
But when the troupe left, I asked why the puppet left no footprint behind.
為何為何曾共我一起的 像時日總未逗留
Why, why, did those who were once with me, like time, never stay?
從前在那炎夏裡的暑假 跟我爸爸笑著行
In that hot summer vacation of the past, I walked with my father with a smile.
沿途談談來日我的打算 首次跟他喝啖酒
Along the way, we talked about my future plans and drank our first sip of wine together.
然而自他離去之後我問 為何夏變得如冬一般灰暗
But after he left, I asked why summer had become as gray as winter.
為何為何曾共我一起的 像時日總未逗留
Why, why, did those who were once with me, like time, never stay?
從前共你 矇矓夜裡 躺於星塵背後
In the past, I lay with you under the stars on a hazy night.
難明白你 為何別去 留下空空的一個地球
I couldn't understand why you left, leaving the earth empty.
徘徊悠悠長路裡 今天我知道始終要獨行
Wandering along the long road, I now know that I must always walk alone.
閒來回頭回望去 追憶去邊笑邊哭喝啖酒
Sometimes I look back, recalling those who made me laugh and cry, sharing drinks with me.
然而就算哭仍暗私下慶幸 時日在我心留低許多足印
But even when I cry, I secretly rejoice that time has left so many footprints in my heart.
從前從前曾共我一起的 現仍在心內逗留
Those who once shared my past, still linger in my heart.
我同好多人一樣 試過比人鍾意 亦鍾意過一啲人
Like many others, I have been loved and I have loved.
試過好開心 亦試過妒忌 失望 懷疑
I have experienced joy, jealousy, disappointment, and doubt.
I cherish everyone I have met,
Even though we may never see each other again.
不過我想話比你知 有啲時候 我仍然會諗起
But I want you to know that sometimes, I still think of you.
從前共你 矇矓夜裡 躺於星塵背後
In the past, I lay with you under the stars on a hazy night.
難明白你 為何別去 留下空空的一個地球
I couldn't understand why you left, leaving the earth empty.
徘徊悠悠長路裡 今天我知道始終要獨行
Wandering along the long road, I now know that I must always walk alone.
閒來回頭回望去 追憶去邊笑邊哭喝啖酒
Sometimes I look back, recalling those who made me laugh and cry, sharing drinks with me.
然而就算哭仍暗私下慶幸 時日在我心留低許多足印
But even when I cry, I secretly rejoice that time has left so many footprints in my heart.
從前從前曾共我一起的 現仍在心內逗留
Those who once shared my past, still linger in my heart.
從前誰曾燃亮我的心 始終一生在心內逗留
Who once lit my heart, will forever remain in my heart.

Writer(s): Lam Chun Keung, Lam George

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