You couldn't help but tell me you love me, tell me you wanted to be with me beyond this life. You couldn't help but tell me that you were more dedicated to me than anyone else.
既然你的心內還有 彼多個愛人 又何必故意對我 激甲彼熱情
But if you still have so many other lovers in your heart, then why do you intentionally show me your passion?
連泌講你愛我 講什麼前世註定 連泌講欲分開 一切就準煞
You kept telling me that you loved me, that it was destiny from a previous life. You kept telling me that if we were meant to break up, everything would work out that way.
戀愛當做買物件 想著我會痛 這款女性 應該看乎破
Treating love like shopping, thinking about the pain it would cause me. A woman like this should be easy to see through.
不免擱再騙我 已經不免相瞞 有緣無份的夢 奈著繼續搬
You can't trick me anymore. There's no point in keeping it a secret. This is a dream that was never meant to be and we should just move on.
情批我袂看 電話我袂聽 袂擱相信 你用的手段
I won't read your love letters. I won't answer your calls. I won't believe any of your tricks anymore.
啊不免講彼好聽 講你你只有愛我 啊像你這款女性 所講的情話上可怕
You can't help but say such nice things, saying that you only love me. But a woman like you; the things you say are terrifying.
當初我會痛 如今我會驚 對你的愛 已經不敢惹
At first, I was hurt, but now I'm scared. I don't dare to love you anymore.
啊不免講彼好聽 講你你痛入心肝 啊像我這款男性 袂當忍受人欺騙我
You can't help but say such nice things, saying that you're heartbroken. But a man like me can't stand being deceived.
請你免愛我 請你乎我行 若擱愛你 我會無性命
Please, don't love me anymore. Please let me go. If I love you any longer, I'll lose my life.
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