曹格 - 咖哩熱狗 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 曹格 - 咖哩熱狗

Curry Hot Dog
专辑: 超级4th场
Album: Super 4th Round
怎麽都睡不着 说你常常头痛
Why can't you fall asleep? You say you often have headaches
咖啡香烟戒不掉 你怎能没有解药
Can't give up coffee and cigarettes? How can you have no solution?
还在做西装外套 Be gonna 那麽假摆
Still wearing a suit jacket? Be gonna? So fake
这一巴掌是打醒你 最後一次警告
This slap is to wake you up, my last warning
什麽咖 有多帅 全部立正 排排站
What curry? How handsome? All stand up, line up
欺不欺 负不负 I don't mind
Bully or not, betray or not? I don't mind
什麽事 怎麽办 救不了你 怎麽办
What's the matter? What to do? Can't save you, what to do?
活不活 该不该
Live or not, right or not?
这世界多呛 你敢不敢
This world is so choking, do you dare?
谁敢瞧不起你 给他一拳 看着办
Who dares to look down on you? Punch him in the face, watch out
现在就出手 别慢慢来
Act now, don't be slow
(Let you know what's up)
跟自己对呛 你敢不敢
Dare you to confront yourself?
有种规则自己看不惯 怎麽办
There are some rules you can't stand? So what?
不怕失败 自己找回来
Not afraid of failure, find it yourself
不管你是谁 ㄟㄟ
No matter who you are, hey hey
别缩头乌龟 ㄟㄟ
Don't be a turtle, hey hey
不管你是谁 ㄟㄟ
No matter who you are, hey hey
我比你OK ㄟㄟㄟ
I'm better than you, hey hey
A thief will never admit that he is a thief
给我放尊重点 我管你是谁
Show me some respect, I don't care who you are
保护色太强 就像只刺蝟
Your protective color is too strong, like a hedgehog
年度最佳防守球员 只是在自卫
Defensive Player of the Year, just self-defense
You want to talk like me, talk
你想要挑战我的话 那你先臭扁
If you want to challenge me, you have to beat me up first
来到这个俱乐部 你好像已经中邪
You seem to be possessed when you come to this club
你是我的花朵 我是你的梦魇
You are my flower, I am your nightmare
别装作没听到 心里面又在咆哮
Don't pretend not to hear, your heart is roaring again
你压抑太久快疯掉 对世界唠唠叨叨
You've been holding it in for too long, you're going crazy, nagging at the world
拜托你一个麻烦 别吓得拔腿就跑
Please, you're such a pain in the ass, don't run away
什麽事 我正要 给你一点颜色瞧瞧
What's the matter? I'm just about to show you what I'm made of
什麽咖 有多帅 全部立正 排排站
What curry? How handsome? All stand up, line up
欺不欺 负不负 I don't mind
Bully or not, betray or not? I don't mind
什麽事 怎麽办 救不了你 怎麽办
What's the matter? What to do? Can't save you, what to do?
活不活 该不该
Live or not, right or not?
这世界多呛 你敢不敢
This world is so choking, do you dare?
谁敢瞧不起你 给他一拳 看着办
Who dares to look down on you? Punch him in the face, watch out
现在就出手 别慢慢来
Act now, don't be slow
(Let you know what's up)
跟自己对呛 你敢不敢
Dare you to confront yourself?
有种规则自己看不惯 怎麽办
There are some rules you can't stand? So what?
不怕失败 自己找回来
Not afraid of failure, find it yourself
不管你是谁 别缩头乌龟
No matter who you are, don't be a turtle
不管你是谁 我比你OK
No matter who you are, I'm better than you
Don't be a turtle in this city
你的口头禅 就是一场误会 这样不对
Your catchphrase is just a misunderstanding, that's not right
习惯当炮灰 总是被忽略
Used to being a scapegoat, always being ignored
那这个俱乐部 (的) 现在要你入会
Then this club wants you to join (the) now
要你入会 即时批 "可"
To join, reply "OK"
只有热狗和曹格 没有记者
Only hot dogs and Cao Ge, no reporters
我们说的话 你要开始记得
You need to start remembering what we say
到你开始觉得这个世界 很机车
Until you start to feel that this world is very shitty
这世界多呛 你敢不敢
This world is so choking, do you dare?
谁敢瞧不起你 给他一拳 看着办
Who dares to look down on you? Punch him in the face, watch out
现在就出手 别慢慢来
Act now, don't be slow
(Let you know what's up)
跟自己对呛 你敢不敢
Dare you to confront yourself?
有种规则 自己看不惯 那怎麽办
There are some rules you can't stand? So what?
不怕失败 自己找回来
Not afraid of failure, find it yourself
不管你是谁 我管你是谁
No matter who you are, I don't care who you are
别缩头乌龟 我讲话很贵
Don't be a turtle, my words are very valuable
不管你是谁 我管你是谁
No matter who you are, I don't care who you are
我比你OK 我怕你像一只龟
I'm better than you, I'm afraid you're like a turtle
This world is so choking, do you dare?
谁敢瞧不起你 给他一拳 看着办
Who dares to look down on you? Punch him in the face, watch out
现在就出手 别慢慢来
Act now, don't be slow
Let them know what's up
跟自己对呛 你敢不敢
Dare you to confront yourself?
有种规则自己 看不惯 怎麽办
There are some rules that you can't stand? So what?
不怕失败 自己找回来
Not afraid of failure, find it yourself
跟那小鬼说Bye Bye
Bye bye to that little brat
看你想要发泄 我给你发泄
Oh, you want to vent? I'll let you vent
If you want my endorsement, you have to reenact it first
You seem to be possessed when you come to this club
你是我的花朵 我是你的梦魇
You are my flower, I am your nightmare
真的假的 差不多 差不多
Hey, really or not? That's about it, that's about it
很行嘛 再来一段
Very good, do it again
At, at, at, at
Don't be a turtle in this city
你的口头禅 就是一场误会 这样不对
Your catchphrase is just a misunderstanding, that's not right
你习惯当炮灰 总是被人忽略
You used to be a scapegoat, always being ignored
那这个俱乐部 现在要你入会
Then this club wants you to join now
还不错耶 这样有录到吗 有吗
Oh, that's not bad. Did you record it? Did you?
专辑: 超级4th场
Album: Super 4th Round

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