朱頭皮 - 男男女女男女男女 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 朱頭皮 - 男男女女男女男女

Men and Women, Men and Women
兩個男的坐在一起 乾你啥麼事情
Two men sitting together, what's it to you, lady?
兩個男的站在一起 甘你啥麼事情
Two men standing together, what's it to you, lady?
兩個男的走在一起 乾妳啥麼事情
Two men walking together, what's it to you, lady?
兩個男的愛在一起 甘妳啥麼事情
Two men loving each other, what's it to you, lady?
兩個女的碰在一起 乾你啥麼事情
Two women touching each other, what's it to you, lady?
兩個女的靠在一起 咁擬啥麼事情
Two women leaning on each other, what's it to you, lady?
兩個女的粘在一起 矸隬啥麼事情
Two women clinging to each other, what's it to you, lady?
兩個女的抱在一起 柑伲啥麼事情
Two women hugging each other, what's it to you, lady?
一男一女電在一起 竿掜啥麼事情
A man and a woman electrifying together, what's it to you, lady?
一男一女撲在一起 杆禰啥麼事情
A man and a woman pouncing on each other, what's it to you, lady?
一女一男嚕在一起 尷伱啥麼事情
A woman and a man grinding on each other, what's it to you, lady?
一女一男波在一起 酐旎啥麼事情
A woman and a man making waves together, what's it to you, lady?
不男不女親在一起 坩狔啥麼事情
Neither man nor woman kissing each other, what's it to you, lady?
不知男女趴在一起 疳馜啥麼事情
Unknown gender lying on each other, what's it to you, lady?
忽男忽女臥在一起 苷薿啥麼事情
Sometimes man, sometimes woman, sleeping together, what's it to you, lady?
變男變女乾在一起 氹孴啥麼事情
Changing man, changing woman, doing it together, what's it to you, lady?

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