The guitar in my attic is rotting away, its mournful strumming sends shivers down my spine
他的唱片疊成頹垣敗瓦 迷過的歌星一去不返
The vinyl records I once held dear have crumbled into ruin, the forgotten melodies long gone
路過一街工廠 聽到有樂團玩歌玩得爛
I pass a factory, its band playing a broken, mangled tune
想起以前作的歌 仍覺超班 昂然步入地鐵站
Memories of my own melodies, still so vibrant in my ears, embolden me as I enter the underground
活著為求甚麼 解決到三餐明日又捱過
What is the point of living, if it's just a never-ending cycle of meals and survival?
等派籌覆診從未復元過 如何跪地上香 得不到幫助
Waiting for appointments, never fully recovering, how can I bow my head in prayer when no help comes?
現在面臨甚麼 板間房的淒怨逐漸傳播
What lies ahead is a grim existence, the despair of the subdivided flat echoing through the city
股票行的炒價極度兇惡 容顏暴露摺痕 他怎麼囉唆
The frenzy of the stock market, the ruthless pursuit of wealth, has etched lines on my face. I can no longer keep up, my spirit broken, crumbling into dust
亦敵不過 不攻自破
Helpless against the inevitable
他的老死不與他共患難 移居北方威風不減
His aging parents, no longer by his side, have found solace in emigrating
他的債主就如蝗蟲白蟻 奪去他一生所有資產
His creditors, like a plague of locusts, have devoured his fortune, leaving him destitute
來到一間冰室 好幾個學童舉手想添飯
I enter a cafe, where schoolchildren raise their hands, pleading for more rice
想起已逝去青春 人更孤單 垂頭步入垃圾站
My youth, now gone, leaves me haunted by loneliness. I trudge on, my head hung low, towards the garbage bins
活著為求甚麼 解決到三餐明日又捱過
What is the point of living, if it's just a never-ending cycle of meals and survival?
等派籌覆診從未復元過 如何跪地上香 得不到幫助
Waiting for appointments, never fully recovering, how can I bow my head in prayer when no help comes?
現在面臨甚麼 板間房的淒怨逐漸傳播
What lies ahead is a grim existence, the despair of the subdivided flat echoing through the city
The frenzy of the stock market
容顏暴露摺痕 他鬆不了綁 活著剩餘甚麼
Lines etched on my face, I am trapped, my spirit lost. What is left worth living for?
心死了 有人心死了
My heart is dead, it has given up
控告社會 發難 破壞 踐踏 恨意滿腔繼續對立
I accuse society, I rebel, I destroy, I trample, my hatred fuels my endless defiance
我活著為求甚麼 這個驚慌都市步步難過
What am I living for? In this chaotic city, every step is a struggle
經過幾許風雨步步行錯 懷疑活在昨天更多好地方
Through storms and missteps, I have lost my way, yearning for a better time
現在面臨甚麼 幾個悲哀章節日日重播
What lies ahead is a cycle of despair, repeating day after day
Natural disasters and human-made fires ravage the land
年年月月倒數 一早不記得 活著為求甚麼
As months turn into years, I've forgotten what it means to live, what it means to have a purpose
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