You said you loved someone you shouldn't have, and now your heart is filled with wounds.
你說你犯了不該犯的錯 心中滿是悔恨
You said you'd made a terrible mistake, and now your heart is filled with regret.
你說你嚐盡了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
You said you've experienced all the bitterness life has to offer, and now you can't find anyone you can trust.
你說你感到萬分沮喪 甚至開始懷疑人生
You said you feel utterly disheartened, and you've even started to question the meaning of life.
早知道傷心總是難免的 你又何苦一往情深
If you'd known that heartache was inevitable, darling, why did you let yourself fall head over heels in love?
因為愛情總是難捨難分 何必在意那一點點溫存
Because love can be so hard to let go of, sweetheart, why bother holding onto those tiny fragments of warmth?
要知道傷心總是難免的 在每一個夢醒時分
You need to realize that heartache is unavoidable, my dear, it comes with every moment you wake from a dream.
有些事情你現在不必問 有些人你永遠不必等 唱起來
There are some things you don't need to know right now, my love, and there are some people you should never wait for. Let's sing it together sweetheart.
你說你愛了不該愛的人 你的心中滿是傷痕
You said you loved someone you shouldn't have, and now your heart is filled with wounds.
你說你犯了不該犯的錯 心中滿是悔恨
You said you'd made a terrible mistake, and now your heart is filled with regret.
你說你嚐盡了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
You said you've experienced all the bitterness life has to offer, and now you can't find anyone you can trust.
你說你感到萬分沮喪 甚至開始懷疑
You said you feel utterly disheartened, and you've even started to question it all, my love.
你開始懷疑 甚至開始懷疑懷疑人生
You've started to question it all, my dear, you've even started to question the meaning of life.
早知道傷心總是難免的 你又何苦一往情深
If you'd known that heartache was inevitable, darling, why did you let yourself fall head over heels in love?
因為愛情總是難捨難分 何必在意那一點點溫存
Because love can be so hard to let go of, sweetheart, why bother holding onto those tiny fragments of warmth?
要知道傷心總是難免的 在每一個夢醒時分
You need to realize that heartache is unavoidable, my dear, it comes with every moment you wake from a dream.
有些事情你現在不必問 有些人你永遠不必等
There are some things you don't need to know right now, my love, and there are some people you should never wait for.
早知道傷心總是難免的 你又何苦一往情深
If you'd known that heartache was inevitable, darling, why did you let yourself fall head over heels in love?
因為愛情總是難捨難分 何必在意那一點點溫存
Because love can be so hard to let go of, sweetheart, why bother holding onto those tiny fragments of warmth?
要知道傷心總是難免的 在每一個夢醒時分
You need to realize that heartache is unavoidable, my dear, it comes with every moment you wake from a dream.
有些事情你現在不必問 有些人你永遠不必等
There are some things you don't need to know right now, my love, and there are some people you should never wait for.
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